Sending a note...

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I sent my surgeon several notes in the past 6 month. Every time I accomplished something great (well, great to me), I made sure to send them an email with quick summary and thanks.
After the first 2-3 notes, I just sent summary of accomplishment and a video if applicable. They always respond with positive feedback and seems they appreciate the attention. I figured that keeping in-touch would make them feel appreciated as well as the fact that their patient is accomplishing things partially because of their awesome skill.
My first big race post-op is next weekend and there is a pro photographer for that; I'll be sending my surgeon and cardiologist a printed pic of me from the race!
Gym Guy,
Thank you so much for sharing! I will definatley send my surgeon a note and will include a picture of my first race! I truly appreciate his great care! Any you are so right, I am enjoying running because of the skills my surgeon used when replacing my valve.
I will ignore my running partner's comment!
ski girl,
Thank you for sharing! I like your idea about sending a picture. I will have to do the same and send docs a picture of me enjoying my first race post AVR! I have a couple shots of me before the race and one or two coming across the finish line.
I think you have to be a cardiac patient to understand the gratefullness you feel when cardiac issues are fixed and you can do the fun things that bring you much joy! Will ignore my running partner's comments that sending a note to my doc is a dumb idea...
I completed my first 5K today. I ran (slowly) the Atlanta Monster Dash 5k. My buds all did the half marathon. Maybe next year for me! My average moving pace was 11:24, average heart rate was 109 BPM and a high of 149 BPM and I walked up the big hills. I'm at ten weeks post op and hit twelve weeks Nov 8. I like the idea of sending my surgeon a picture and may include my cardio staff also. They all have been very good to and for me and I've almost convienced a couple of the nurses to start running!
I'd send the note and pic too. Wish I had thought of that when I did it.
Terry, congrats on the 5K. Smart move to walk the hills or when you needed to. Things to get better with time and patience.
Definetly send the note and pic, and maybe include your cardio? I am much closer to my cardio tahn the surgeon (you only see the surgeon a couple of times), but I do see my surgeon at times as I volunteer in the hospital where he works.
SO, my first completed marathon post op was New York in 2008...the last 5 miles were terrible....I kept saying to myself: finish this race so you can give your finishers medal to Dr. Caputo (my cardio) mantra got me to the finish line. A week later, I set it up with the hospital to have a tv crew there, had them set up a meeting with my cardio...and surprised him on camera with my NY finishers medal. He has a still shot of it, with my medal, hanging in the waiting room....
Send the note and picture to both your cardio and surgeon! I did! I sent a picture of me and my Lab (Tank) running our first agility trial about 5 months after my mitral valve replacement. I was critically ill, Class IV CHF, v-tach, TIA on the highway just before diagnosis, etc. etc. at the time, and nearly died the day after surgery. Yes, I was a memorable patient.
My surgeon said he kept the photo on the bulletin board in his office for a long time, like obstetricians post photos of babies they deliver.
Thanks for sharing. I took your advise and sent a note with a pic to the Surgoen and to my Cardio. I know that they will appreciate hearing how things are going and that I am so loving the running!
And I will send a note to the Cardiac Rehab staff too. They were the cheerleaders I needed those first several weeks post AVR!
Agiltiy Dog,
Thanks for sharing! I took your advise and sent a pic and note to my Surgeon and also to the Cardio. I will send a note to the Cardiac Rehab staff too. They really helped me alot with getting my exercise going again!
I think that is great that your surgeon kept the photo on his bulletin board!
Thanks for sharing!
I sent a note with pic today to the Surgeon and also to my Cardiologist. I am very excited to be running races again!