Can you explain your seizures a little more?
My husband had many TIAs (transient ischemic attacks) which are tiny pieces of debris in the bloodstream that pass through the brain and cause temporary symptoms. They can be tiny blood clots, cholesterol or other plaque getting into the bloodstream, etc. Some of his were:
loss of vision in one eye
slurred and unintelligble speech
suddenly forgetting how to do mundane tasks, like how to wind up the garden hose on the reel
stabbing pain in his head
fainting or feeling like passing out
TIAs are temporary and usually resolve in a few to several minutes leaving you feeling very tired and a little strange for a few hours. They should all be evaluated in the ER, because the same symptoms can be a symptom of stroke or impending stroke. The eye ones, in particular should be evaluated very fast. My husband, on Christmas Day, lost vision in his one eye. He thought it was the same old, same old, and never told me about it. He didn't want to go to the ER on Christmas. It never went away. He lost his vision permanently in that eye. It wasn't a TIA, and the eye doc told him that had he gone to the ER right away. they could possibly have saved the vision in that eye. There was a 3 hour window of opportunity to save the eye.
He also had several fainting spells which were caused by a heart arrhythmia which slowed his heart. He had a pacemaker implanted for that and it stopped that problem.
So, if you can give a better description, it would be helpful.