Second OHS

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Kathy Canistro

Hi Everyone,

I am back after my ordeal. I got sick in January. I had a pretty bad infection in my new heart valves. I had a tough 3 months. The second surgery was only 7 months after the first, I had not fully recovered from that and I was very sick with the endocarditis. I had a few snags along the way the antibiotics needed to treat the infection caused my kidneys to fail and I kept getting clots in the pick line. I had another scare last week from an unexplained fever. I had to go back to the hospital to get blood cultures to rule out the endocarditis.

I am still very tired at the end of the day. I was told that that can last up to a year. I have 2 new tissue valves, so I can come off the coumadin in the middle of May. Does anyone know if I will have to keep getting tested?

I will have to give all my poor veins time to recover from this one, they had to do the blood draws from my Ankles because all my other veins have become scarred.

I was too sick to even try to get on this site. I have missed all of you!!

Welcome back. I'm so sorry you went through such an ordeal. Best wishes to you for a continuing good recovery. Take it easy. It sounds like something you'll just have to be patient about, hard as that is. Thank goodness you're all in one piece!!

:) Marguerite
Kathy, welcome back! I wish you much success and health with your new set of valves. I know it will take you quite a while to feel "normal" again, just be patient, smell the roses, enjoy the sun and take the time you need. Best wishes.
Sorry you had such a tough time. I hope things are much better and on an upward trend.
I know what you mean about the veins. One of the reasons I started home testing was because my veins were so unhappy after all my surgeries and 24 years of coumadin.
Please get some rest, enjoy the springtime and let us know how we can help.
So very sorry you had such a hard time, Kathy.
It's good to see you up to posting again.
It's spring and a time for renewal. Rest; be patient; and let your body heal at its own pace.

Please come when you feel like it and let us know how you are doing.
I sincerely hope each week, you will feel better and better.


I am so sorry to hear about your ordeal. I hope it is uphill from here on.
I will be going to MA sometimes in June. Maybe, if you feel up to it, we can arrange to meet, I will be in the Fitchburg, Leominster area.


Kathy I am not certain what you are referring to when you say "Does anyone know if I will have to keep getting tested" is this for INR or endocarditis? If you have tissue valves you normally wouldn't be on warfarin and therefore wouldn't require INR testing. Once you have completed the antibiotic (5 weeks) course for endocarditis you usually have a blood test to determine if you are still infected. If this comes back negative there is usually no more testing unless you have symptoms. :)
Hi Kathy, my goodness you have been through so much! It sounds like you are on the road to recovery now. Just take it slowly, slowly, don't push yourself to do too much.

When you are able, perhaps consider asking your cardio about cardiac rehab where you can begin exercising while hooked up to monitors and with blood pressure checks as you exercise. That way you know you are not pushing yourself too hard.

I know what you mean about the veins. I would probably be in the same position due to INR draws if I hadn't gotten a home testing machine. But that is one thing you won't have to worry about as you will be going off the Coumadin!


Thanks to Everyone, for all the kindness. It does get better each day.
Hi Praline, please do look me up when you come up this way.

Second OHS


I'm so sorry you got so sick. I can sympathize with you, except that I got really sick with my first surgery and to have a second one 7 months later. It's been almost a year since my first and almost 4 months since my second. I'm feeling good, but I still get really tired and have to rest, sometimes for an entire week.

I'm glad to hear you are getting well. Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to heal and recover. It's going to take a while. I need to give this advice to myself.

Keep us up to date on how you're doing.

Wow! My heart goes out to you. I wish you the very best in your healing process. It's amazing one can feel so lousy that even sitting at the computer is a daunting task. Hang in there. Wishing you the very best in your recovery!