scarlet fever

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Hi everyone
It has been awhile since I last signed in here. I had mitral valve replacement and double bi-pass March,04.I also had stents put in in June 05 because the bi-pass didn't work. SO far I am doing well. Just had a question about being around someone with scarlet fever. I was diagnosed with having to have mechanical valve because it is assumed that I may have had rhumatic fever has a child. Now I just found out that my niece has scarlet fever and I was around her for some time.
Is there a danger for me? Not sure what to do. I have noticed that the last few days AI have been sore in the joints, blamed it on all the rain we have been having. Hope someone can help. I don' t want to be crazy over this. Thanks
Thanks Nancy..... but I really didn't want to bother her if there was no concern. I try not to dwell on the fact that I have a bad heart. Just was wondering ... but you know ..... maybe I will call
Thanks again Nancy and Ross. I remember when I used to ask questions here before you always had some answers, So again Thanks. I have called my doc. and now I am waiting for the call back.
From what I remember

From what I remember

Scarlett Fever is caused by strep throat. I would check with your Dr. too to see what you should look for or if you can take preventative meds.
Just got back from doc. office and she did a throat swab. She said that my throat looks good so maybe nothing to worry about. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Keep in mind that these things can take time to develop. If you are not feeling better in a few days (or feel worse) have some more tests done. You are right to be concerned.
I didn't even know Scarlet Fever was still around these days.

I had a bad case of it when I was 4 (1947). Left me with a paralyzed leg for 6 months but thankfully there was no rheumatic fever with it. I often wondered though and when I first learned of my AI (about a year ago), I suspected perhaps I did in fact have rheumatic fever. I keep being told - NO. So, I think I will accept that :D

Anyway -- I would say at the first inkling of being sick, you should get on whatever antibiotics they give these days for Scarlet Fever. I am assuming of course that it can be knocked down quickly.
Scarlet Fever is actually caused by untreated strep throat, and not very uncommon. Last year about 2 months after my newborn twins came home from the hospital my husband called and said that a co-worker had Scarlet Fever and needless to say I freaked out calling the Doc, finding out what the risks were. They informed me that you would end up getting strep throat first so watch for signs for that. I hope that this will help resolve some concern. Yes, Scarlet Fever is around but we treat strep so aggressively, if you realize you have it (it does happen, not knowing), you sould be ok.

I everybody, Just got a call from the child's mom who thought she had scarlet fever. Apparently they just got the results back from her swab and it was a viral infection not scarlet fever. Wow what a scare. All is good now. Still sore somewhat but with the weather here in Nova Scotia lately it is probally the rain and all the wet weather we are having. Can't wait for the sun to shine. Thank you all for your concern. Take care
Scarlet fever and rheumatic fever simultaneously

Scarlet fever and rheumatic fever simultaneously

Der Biermeister said:
I didn't even know Scarlet Fever was still around these days.

I had a bad case of it when I was 4 (1947). Left me with a paralyzed leg for 6 months but thankfully there was no rheumatic fever with it. I often wondered though and when I first learned of my AI (about a year ago), I suspected perhaps I did in fact have rheumatic fever. I keep being told - NO. So, I think I will accept that :D

Anyway -- I would say at the first inkling of being sick, you should get on whatever antibiotics they give these days for Scarlet Fever. I am assuming of course that it can be knocked down quickly.

Scarlet fever and rheumatic fever are caused by a reaction to strep throat. Is there a difference in symptoms? I thought rheumatic fever caused sore joints--maybe they both do.

I just wonder why they have two different names.
I think Scarlet Fever is when you get the rash along with the strep throat-is that right? Rheumatic fever-which is what my mom had as a child and caused he valve problems and decades later replacement, is where strep goes untreated and then affects the joints, heart, etc. I do not think Scarlet Fever is any more dangerous than strep-as long as you keep in in check with antibiotics right away. I could be wrong-does anyone know for sure? :rolleyes: Thanks! Deb
Scarlet fever is strep throat with a rash also appearing. Deb is right. I remember years ago when it was thought that the rash was because an endotoxin was for some reason being released but I don't know if that is still believed or not. I would think the chance of developing rheumatic fever would be the same. Earlier this spring I was exposed to strep while caring for my great niece and just kept a wary eye for any fever, cough, or anything that would have prompted me to call my PCP for a precautionary antibiotic. I remember learning about scarlet fever as a little girl by reading "Little Women". The character Beth caught it and ending up dying as a result.

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