Scar Pain

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Jun 4, 2009
Cox's Creek, KY
I am 11 months post op and my scar is still very painful. There are hard knots in it and some of them will take me to my knees if pushed on. Cardiologist says nothing to worry about. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, is there anything that can be done about it ?

I am very active, have done two 5K races since surgery and work out at the gym atleast 4-5 times a week doing cardio and weights. Everything feels good except the scar. Any info greatly appreciated.
After my first OHS, my scar never stopped hurting me. Certainly the pain level reduced significantly but was always so sore I could not sleep on my stomach and particularly with change of weather (rain/snow), I was uncomfortable.

I needed a second OHS four years after the first and went to the same Mass General surgeon. During our consult, I told him how I was still sore from the first surgery and he said he would do what he could to make it better for me this time. It is remarkably better and I can now sleep on my stomach and though I have some weather sensitivity,
it is very, very much better.

I never pursued finding out why it was so sore as I knew the only fix would have been surgery. I was not willing to undergo surgery for only the reason of ridding the 'scar pain'. It healed beautiful to look at, almost no keloid and no knots, a pale line that was not hugely noticeable so I have no idea why it was so sore. It is possible it was from the wires. Actually, it probably was the wires.

Wire removal is possible and some members here have had that surgery with great results. You might ask your cardio or surgeon about that.
At 3.5 years out, my scar is still tender, but it doesn't bother me anymore, really. I would have to say that it did bother me for 2 years.

I did not have wires. Not everyone does anymore. My surgeon used dacron tape to close up my sternum. I do have one particularly sore spot, still, that is redder, but buried in my cleavage, so I just don't worry about it.

Your scar is "hypertrophied". If that is bad enough, then it may be called keloid. You can read up on the internet.

There are a zillion things on the market these days to "help" the look of your scar (and thus, probably, reduce the discomfort, too). I feel like I tried them all, and then when I finally gave up caring, the darned thing got better on it's own! :p

A dermatologist can shoot it up with cortizone. THAT will hurt like no other. I tried that once and decided I'd rather have it be ugly than get another shot with that kind of pain!! However, many people here have said that it worked for them. (they apparently aren't the wussy that I am!!) There is also some kind of quick radiation treatment that has been mentioned.

So go to your dermatologist and see what is available. The cardios don't really give a hoot, I guess. It's skin, not heart.

Let us know what you try! We always need new ideas!

Sorry that it is a trouble for you. There are a LOT of us who totally sympathize with you.

Best wishes.



Appreciate the advise. Mine is the Keloid type of scar and also had a bunch of knots under the skin on the part of the scar that looks great. I do have wires but I will definetly try the dermatologist route. I don't have the cleavage to cover mine up but I'm not a male model anyways. Don't care what it looks like, just tired of the constant stabbing pain.
I am at 4+ years out and I have a keloid scar, it's gone from red to bright pink and I still have tenderness from time to time. (bra's don't help). After surgery, I declined the suggestion to see a plastic surgeon - I had had enough of needles and everything else. I have heard about the cortisone shots - sometimes several shots are needed before the keloid lays flat. uh, still on the fence about it. I put Gold Bond lotion on every day, relaxes the tightness. This is the first I heard about the wire theory. ......Some of you guy's can cover up your scars if you have a hairy chest. :)
I am at one year, and I do have some tenderness of the scar if I poke it, but the real pain was gone at about 8 mos. What I remember being the worst was the itching early on.
Just an observation. A number of people have actually gone for removal of wires. My take on the postings is that it has worked for some, but others were disappointed with the results.

Not trying to talk you out of it, if that's what you eventually decide to do, but try to be sure before you undergo a procedure like that.

Best wishes,
I am at 11 months out and have the same problem. When I apply a little pressure on the scar it hurts and I feel a dip between by chest bone. When I sneeze I feel a popping sensation on the very bottom of the chest bone. I am making an appt with cardio, as this just started within the past month after I lifted something heavy.
I am 18 mos out, and still have chest discomfort, at times. My GP thinks it is scar tissue. He said that at times when you move a certain way, it may bleed ever so slightly, and that's when I feel a slight stinging. Sometimes it's a quick little jab, that's more annoying, than anything else. When I asked if I need worry about infection, he said no. I have had an xray done, and everything looks okay.

Good luck!
Don't care what it looks like, just tired of the constant stabbing pain.

I know this sounds really counter-intuitive, but have you tried massaging it at all? Basically, your skin is confused. It isn't healing right. So (I"m told), if you were to massage it in a circular motion, emphasizing the horizontal part, that would wake up whatever it is that skin needs to be woken up about to get going in the right direction.

I forgot to mention that I did have several acupuncture treatments. They actually were the most helpful. Again, it got the blood flowing properly around the area and thus promoted healing. Your scar still isn't healed. Maybe the stabbing pain is like anything that is trying to heal. It is searching for the right connections and isn't getting any proper communication. Try massage. :confused:

Good luck.

I know this sounds really counter-intuitive, but have you tried massaging it at all? Basically, your skin is confused. It isn't healing right. So (I"m told), if you were to massage it in a circular motion, emphasizing the horizontal part, that would wake up whatever it is that skin needs to be woken up about to get going in the right direction.

I forgot to mention that I did have several acupuncture treatments. They actually were the most helpful. Again, it got the blood flowing properly around the area and thus promoted healing. Your scar still isn't healed. Maybe the stabbing pain is like anything that is trying to heal. It is searching for the right connections and isn't getting any proper communication. Try massage. :confused:

Good luck.


Thanks, I will give just about anything a try right now. Surely massaging won't hurt as bad as injections will. I go to a massage therapist for other issues, I'll ask her. Thanks for all the input.