Scar excision?

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Hi all,

I'm going in on Tues morning to have my doc excise the little "knob" at the top of my scar. I told him it's alway red, irritated and itchy and he said, "I can take care of that for you".

He said hopefully, it won't heal as keloid this time. I hope so too!
Has anybody had anything like this done? And if so, did it work? It sounds a little scary, but it really does itch and bother me a lot, so I'm hoping this will work.
I have the same problem at the bottom of my scar.
Please let us know how it goes.

I used this cream for about 12 weeks. It was supposed to break down the scar tissue slowly. It did not get rid of the redness or swelling, but it really did a job on that awful itchiness.

It costs about $50 a tube (Canadian dollars). That's between $35-40 U.S. right now.

You use very little of the product. I lent it to a friend who had keloid scarring. Let me know if you are interested and I will locate the name of it for you.

Hi Jean,

I hope you get good results with the surgery. Are you going to have to stay overnight or will it be outpatient. the way, did you every get your medical records? :)
Hi Jean,

Was trying to recall what that little flat piece of skin. Keloid!
Yep, have one. It's flat and does not bother me.

Consulted with an dermatologist. We spoke about plastic surgery to make the top portion of my scar more appealing.
in her experience..she stated it does not do a whole lot of good since the area is "very pliable" lots of movement. She said I would most likely end up at square one.

Wishing you all the best in the process! If you can get the discomfort to go will be worth it in the long run.
Just in and out...

Just in and out...

Hi guys, as I understand it, my doctor is just going to do the procedure in a "procedure room" and it should only take 20 minutes. I'm assuming he'll just use a local anesthetic.

Gina, I wouldn't have this done just because of the way it looks, I don't care so much about that, but the itching is horrid sometimes, and it's been a year and a half, so I don't expect it will get better on it's own anymore. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Yes Betty, I did get ALL of my medical records for the past two years, the echo from June says there is still some mild mitral regurgitation, but I guess I knew that already.

Kevin, I will let you know what happens, I have been told that the way a person heals has to do with genetics, but this time, I intend to put vitamin E on the scar right away. I was told not to put anything on it for like a month the first time, and by then it's too late in m,y opinion. My youngest sister was scalded pretty badly when she was two, (pulled a pan of wieners down from the stove), my mother put vitamin E on her burns, and she ended up with NO scarring at all.
Hey Jean,
I hope everything goes OK for you tomorrow. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
I'm done!

I'm done!

It wasn't sooo bad. I guess I might need more vitamin K in my diet though, I bled like a stuck pig, and I'm not even on Coumadin! I told my Doc, it's a good thing I'm not on Coumadin anymore and he said, "I'll tell you what, you're bleeding like as if you were". Also, apparently novocaine doesn't last very long in me, the numbness went away before he was finished and he had to give me a couple of more shots.

He did remove quite a bit of scar tissue that was under the skin, and hopefully it will heal better this time. Right now it's stinging a bit, just took some extra-strength Tylenol and I think I'm gonna rest a bit, there's a big band-aid over my stitches and I don't want it to start bleeding again.
Glad it's over, Jean - hope this takes care of it. Stuff like that on your chest can really make you nuts - I had a burned spot on my chest from radiation therapy that only lasted for a couple of months and it was torment.

Do you take a lot of aspirin? That can sure make you bleed a lot.

Take care.
Hey Jean,
Glad to hear that everything went OK for you. Now just rest!:)
Take Care

Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Nope, no aspirin here

Nope, no aspirin here

I haven't had any aspirin at all since my 6 month post-op check, when the cardiologist took me off of Lisinopril. I asked him if I still needed to take 1 baby aspirin a day, and he said, nope, you don't need that either. That was over a year ago.

I don't really get it. Like I said, maybe I just need more Vitamin K, at least I probably don't need to worry about blood clots I guess.