Sayings that get us through.

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We had a very "interesting" weekend and were presented with some very "interesting" information (which I may be able to divulge at a later date). Don't worry, it's not something tragic, just something with new challenges.

Anyway.... platitudes kept coming to mind and I thought it might be interesting to see if anyone here has any favorites they'd like to submit (Or even ones they found a bit ridiculous.)

There's my tried and true:
Life is what happens when you make other plans.

And then I heard one yesterday that I really liked:
This might not be the party we hoped for, but we may as well dance.
Karlynn, I have so many, some of them quotes I use many times. I can't remember who said them but I've read them some where. When I find one I really like I write it down in my journal. Here are a just a few:

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is a miracle.

Health becomes so precious when we no longer have it.

I need to live each day to the fullest. Aging isn't a choice -- it just happens.

Smiling is one of the most therapeutic exercises we can do. A smile reflects the confidence we have in our Savior.

Without joy, we can do nothing. Life without joy is like a dislocated bone; it doesn't function properly. Look for something today that will make you laugh.

If you'r not content with what you have, you'll never be content with what you want.

One of my very favorites is:

Attitude is so important. The attitude I chose either keeps me on a postiive path or hinders my progress. Even when we are in a deep valley--no illness is too great for us. Our attitude is up to us.