There was a lot of talking about different cameras today-very intriguing-I was looking at mine and pulled out this picture from a few days ago. The hummingbirds love Barb?s garden. Sometime soon they will leave till next year.
I know they like Honeysuckle and Jasmine, they hang around my house in the winter. Karlynn, is that you in the photo? No wonder Brad and George are stalking you.Karlynn said:Fabulous photo!! What plants do the hummingbirds like? I ask that because I've really become interested in gardening this year. I ripped out all the old bushes in the front of our house and planted all sorts of grasses, hydrangeas, lavendar and butterfly-attracting plants.
I want a little friend too! So what plants of Barb's do they go for?
Karlynn said:Yup - that's me in the avatar. But you're all supposed to say "Gee, you don't look old enough to be a grandma!" Oh, well. D )
I planted a Mandarin Honeysuckle this year. It took off like crazy and climbed well on the trellis but it didn't flower and I'm told won't for a few years. Maybe it will bring me little friends!
I look forward to Barb's suggestions. I've really been working hard on turning my brown thumb to green.
Umm you left someone out there buddy and I would stalk her even if she did look like a granny. I don't discriminate.RandyL said:If you looked old enough to be a grandma, I don't think George and Brad would be stalking you.