Russian Plane crashes

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Most of you have heard that my daughter and hubby are adopting 2 children from Russia . Their paperwork has been there, now for 5 weeks..but most Judges and higher uppers, take the entire month of August for we are hoping to hear something in Sept..even tho they have not had a referral...Most children orphanages are in far away regions..Everyone adopting fly into Moscow and then either take Aeroflot or a train ride (12 hours) to the Region where their children are waiting...I'm hoping my Grandchildren will be in a region where my daughter and hubby can go by Train. I belong to another website like VR..where many American post daily on their progress. Usually, someone over there on first or second trip. You have to go 2 times..Both towns, these plane were going had Orphanages..but thank goodness, No American on board......So sad..Bonnie
Bonnie, you can bet that now there has been a terror attack on Russian airplanes, they will be watching every single flight very carefully from now on. Hope all goes well for getting those babies into a wonderfully caring family.
I spent an afternoon last week "playing" with a pair of girls from Belarus who are spending the summer here with a family to get a break from the poverty and crap they live in in their homeland. I can't recall their ages off-hand, pre-teen anyways, and they were a blast. I didn't speak Russian and they spoke only very limited English but we were running around the host family's backyard as I had a camera in hand to get some nice shots of them playing for an article that ran in the paper.

Belarus took a lot of the fallout from Chernobyl "back in the day" and a lot of kids in that area have been showing various complications (mostly cancer) from the accident.

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