rotator cuff surgery on coumadin?

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bvdr Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2003
Pinehurst, NC
I've put several things on the back burner this past year or so while I concentrated on the more pressing issues. My shoulder pain has progressed to the point it is now impossible to ignore any longer. X-rays and physical exam point to a rotator cuff problem. X-rays have been sent to my orthopedic surgeon to evaluate. I am also now on Prednisone. Next step is possible MRI. and quite possibly repair depending on the extent of the problem. I do not want to have this pain as a permanent part of my life and am trying to decide how to deal with it. The problem is a long-standing one and I've tried rest, non-steroidals, steroids, and exercises in the past and yet the problem persists. My doctor decided to hold off on injecting the shoulder until we get a response from my orthopedic surgeon. That could possibly be the next step too.

Have any of you had rotator cuff problems? How did you treat them and with what degree of success? And particularly, have any of you had rotator cuff surgery while on coumadin? Feedback would be very appreciated.
Hi Betty,
Sorry to hear you are having these problems now. Isn't OHS enough for awhile? :p I hope you get everything taken care of. My dad, who is 79 now had rotator cuff surgery 3 years ago and he is still having problems. The Dr. tells him it was hammering for 35 years that did it. I know one thing my dad didn't do was go to rehab when he should of, he said they were hurting him and he stopped going.
Again I hope you get this taken care and I hope and pray this is the last thing for you for awhile.
Take Care
Is this your surgical "hat trick", to use a hockey term. OHS, skin cancer surgery and now shoulder.

My experience with rotator cuff surgery is that many people never feel it's 100% sucessful. My Mom had it and still complained of pain (although she was able to golf again.) A good friend said it did nothing for her pain and that she'd never do it again. My daughter's boyfriend said it helped some but still has pain. Must be a very tricky joint to do.

But I sure do understand you not wanting to live with the pain. I hope you'll get the answers that will work for you.
Hi Betty,
I'm sorry to hear you have even more problems, like you havn't had enough already. I guess it's like they say, when it rains it pours.
Iv'e had some rotator cuff problems for a number of years. I just kind of gave up things that aggravated it like golf and bowling for instance.
So far I'm still able to live with it.
Iv'e heard the surgery can be rather nasty and bloody also so with Coumadin it could be a problem.
My next door neighbor had it done a few years ago(he is in his mid-seventies) and is doing great since.
No pain and no restrictions.
Ah yes, the old Adhesive Capsulitis thingie..idiopathic, no less.

Ah yes, the old Adhesive Capsulitis thingie..idiopathic, no less.

Boy do I remember! Couldn't even turn a doorknob... :eek:
I don't know the difference between your rotator cuff problem and my adhesive capsulitis, but I sure remember the inconvenience of it all.

First it hit the right shoulder.. I went thru physical therapy [ouch!] and that didn't help that much. I had two of the steroid/cortisone injections and walah, it went away -- it was almost immediate relief. That was before my AVR.

Immediately after my AVR, here comes the left shoulder...ugh! Just after completing cardiac rehab, I'm into shoulder rehab...lots of rehab! Well, physical therapy didn't help there either - just was so painful, so I went to the doctor and got one shot of the same in my left shoulder. Walah, again instant relief. Never did go back for the second injection which was a mistake as I can still 'feel' it at times.

No way would I let a surgeon cut on me even before my AVR and now wouldn't go there for all the tea in China.. Hope this helps and goodluck. Idiopathic? Don't you just love it...
Rotor cuff surgery

Rotor cuff surgery

Hi Betty,
I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder problem...A friend of mine's husband is having that on Friday. He is a security officer at Macy's and fell down a flight of stairs chasing someone who had stolen something ($600). He has been in constant pain for months. They are finally going to do something about it. It is not full blown surgery, they say it is a procedure that might work and prevent the more complicated and difficult surgery. I will let you know how it goes. I don't know the details, but I'll ask more questions

Didn't John Kerry just have rotor cuff surgery?

Thinking about you!
Betty, I think I've had shoulder problems since about a year out of surgery. It's so painful now, but the docs have never officially diagnosed it as a rotator cuff problem. The most intense pain seems to be right in/under my left shoulder blade. When I rotate my left arm, it just crackles in that area. Sometimes the pain is so intense at school, I just pop an Advil, which I know we're not supposed to do on Coumadin, but it certainly takes an edge off the pain that tylenol does not. Is this similar to what you are going through -- with shoulder blade involvement? Janie? (I noticed you wrote of something similar.) I'm just sick of being in pain and not knowing why or what to do.

I actually have the pain in both shoulders but the left is far worse than the right. My PCP said the humeral head has migrated and something is getting pinched and has set off a bursitis/tendinitis thing that goes down my left shoulder and into my elbow too. I've had joint problems most of my life but kept things in check with 2-3Gms of aspirin a day. Now....with coumadin, I only take 325mg Aspirin a day and I really miss the pain control.

I know what you mean about the snap, crackle, and pop though :). I imagine with you being a teacher you have to do alot of overhead work that aggravates yours. I think I'm a little bit of a wimp when it comes to pain but I am so tired of hurting all the time.

Janie, I read up on what you had and it is in the same family. I am thinking my next step should be an injection unless it is too late for that. My sister had adhesive capsulitis that did respond to therapy and injections so I am not yet giving up. The prednisone I'm on isn't being the wonder drug I was hoping for.

I don't think there are any easy answers here.
HI Betty, so sorry you are having even more problems.

I too have had (have) shoulder problems, frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. The cortisone shot into the joint, although not pleasant, helped a tremendous amount. Followed that with two rounds of therapy.

The first round was not too helpful...the second helped enormously. The first therapists had me working through the pain, the second set said "no pain" It heals faster if you don't get to the point where it hurts. Very gentle stretching excercises along with ultrasound.

If you go that route, you might want to see which philosphy the therapists follow, it sounds as though you have done exercises before....perhaps a gentle approach after the injection might be helpful.

Best of luck to you. Hope you can find a solution other than surgery!
Hi Betty

Hi Betty

Never made it into N.C...just got home from a wonderful 4 days on beach ..S.C. but rain ran us home today. Yukky.....I was at daughter's home several weeks ago and was seated at to son-in-law's best friend. We were chatting about surgery, ect. and he said..when I had my Rotator cuff surgery, ect. and I asked more questions from himbecause my nephew needs it done....He said, he was out of work for about 6 weeks because his arm had to be in a sling next to chest..He showed me his scar.. :eek: :eek: very long......My nephew has to drive a lot..and fly a lot in his job.. Rodney, friend, said he threw it out playing too much baseball in highschool and college. I know, my sister said..he needed to have a MRI first.I will ask her the lastest on my nephew...knowing he needs not to have anything done to keep him from his job.....Sad, but I know he needs the income. Hope you feel better. Bonnie

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