Rotator Cuff Problem

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina

I know this is not heart related but does anyone know of any exercises to help with rotator cuff problems? I am in a fare amount of pain and sure do not want any surgery:eek: I see my PP on Friday for a yearly check up and maybe get some anti-inflamitory drugs.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


I have the same problem. I also had frozen shoulders back then.
They just told me to keep stretching the muscles but no specific excercises.
I guess my rotator cuff is partially torn but like you I sure don't want surgery.
Perhaps a steroid injection would help ease it.
Rotator Cuff Problem

I have a shoulder problem and went to physical therapy for 4 weeks. Mainly they stretched my arm out and I did some excercises. I don't have a tear, but I have a degenerated humerus which is caused by oteoarthritis. Doctor had given me a cortisone shot which did not work prior to sending me to PT. There was a friend of mine who was doing therapy for your problem and she said that it helped. Haven't talked to her to see if she had something done since then. Did you do any research on the web for excercises?
I had a pain years ago that the doctor "thought" was rotator cuff. He gave me a shor that had an anesthetic and cortisone in it. Stopped the pain immediately and for months after. I have had a few twinges since then but nothing like that flare up. I make sure I do stretches, mostly "reaching for the stars" and "walking the arm up the wall" type.
son ruined his in high school over-pitching. He never had surgery, tho it was considered. His got better over time, but he can't ever play baseball and has to be careful in lifting, pulling, etc.

P.S. if you are a coach, know a coach, have a kid who is a pitcher, don't let them over pitch. It will surely ruin their rotator cuff.
I spent last summer in PT for my shoulder. I have an undersurface tear in the rotator cuff and a tumor in the proximal humerus. I don't think the exercises helped me too much. You can probably google and get the specific exercises. Just make sure you go only to the point of discomfort and not past it. You do not want to do additional damage. If you are aching afterwards then use ice for a while. Just be careful.
Hi To, I've had shoulder problems too, what helped me was both pt and a cortisone shot. The cortisone shot (although not one of the more pleasant things in life) really helped a lot. I went through 2 rounds of PT and continued to do a lot of stretching.

Hopefully your pp can refer you for both PT and perhaps the shot.

Good luck.


I am at the point where I might need a shoulder replacement. My poor body has fell apart since OHS. I think they are going to try another cortisone shot before the above. I don't think at 59 I am ready for a replacement. Has anyone had any kind of replacements done when they have a mechanical valve? Saw Cardio last week and for no reason does he want me off the coumadin. He believes in bridging with Heparin and this means no outpatient surgery. I really don't want a replacement at this point and are getting a 2nd opinion at Loyola in July. I am hoping that maybe a scope can be done and the shoulder can be just cleaned up. Any thougths on this will be appreciated. :D
Simple exercise that can't hurt & helped me enormously (so much so that I didn't need to go to doc). Comes from exercise physiologist at cardiac rehab.

Lie flat on floor on back. Bend offending arm at elbow 90 degrees (away from body). Slide arm slowly over head, keeping back, shoulder & arm flat on floor. Repeat 10X, do 3 or 4 times per day.

I couldn't imagine this would help. It was amazing. Don't know if it'll help you, but as I say, it's so simple it won't hurt.
i'm afraid to recommend an exercise for this, it may hurt you more?
like georgia's exercise, standing or lying on left side, bend your right arm at 90 degree angle and secure elbow at your hip. move hand (start w/o weights) from center of body (standing) to right side. or lying down on left side, lower hand to floor and elevate to beyond hip level on right.
once you are stronger you may add weights.

please be careful, i'm not a pt or dr. just know from having taught fitness classes and being certified as trainer in the past.

good luck and get it checked out!
feel better,
Birky said:
I am at the point where I might need a shoulder replacement. My poor body has fell apart since OHS. I think they are going to try another cortisone shot before the above. I don't think at 59 I am ready for a replacement. Has anyone had any kind of replacements done when they have a mechanical valve? Saw Cardio last week and for no reason does he want me off the coumadin. He believes in bridging with Heparin and this means no outpatient surgery. I really don't want a replacement at this point and are getting a 2nd opinion at Loyola in July. I am hoping that maybe a scope can be done and the shoulder can be just cleaned up. Any thougths on this will be appreciated. :D

Marcia, my PCP says if I need another cervical epidural then it has to be with Heparin for bridging. I don't think my ortho is too keen on injecting my shoulder again but I'll probably press for maybe one more. He isn't talking joint replacement for me but it would mean an open surgery to remove the end of my clavicle. You may reach the point that you are more than ready for a replacement if it deteriorates much more.


Thanks for all your help. I am still waiting to hear on the results of the RA testing. PT didn't seem to help at all. At times I was even more sore. I am hoping that there is no surgery and maybe another shot is worth a try. I don't want to be laid up again with something. Will let you know,


The Dr.'s office called yesterday and I do not have RA. Thank heavens for that. I am still going for a 2nd opinion in July. Have to wait that long to see the Dr. at Loyola. When the bones rub together it actually makes me nauseated. This happens when I roll over on it at night or use my arm to get up or get in tub. Yucky sound. I feel so good otherwise that this is such a pesky thing that I would like to get rid of it. I swear once you hit a certain age everything wears out. Oh well, it sure is better than the alternative. Have a great weekend. Weather is central Illinois is beautifuly and should be for the whole weekend.:D
Rotator Cuff Problems

Rotator Cuff Problems

I know you stated that you don't want to go through surgery but I just went through surgery for a tear on my left shoulder and it was really a piece of cake. If it weren't for the inconvenience of having my left arm in a sling for a couple weeks it would have been great. Rehab lasted only 3 weeks and I'm good as new now. If you have a tear you will have to have surgery, it will never heal or re-attach itself to the bone. I know, I, like yourself went for many months thinking and hoping it would get better until I finally had to get something done, I couldn't use my arm at all with so much pain to move it. I had an MRI done and it was obvious what the problem was and the doctor scheduled me for immediate surgery, best move I ever did.


I know that it is not going to get any better but I do not want a shoulder replacement. It seems that i am full of arthritis and the humerus has really degenerated. If it could be done by arthroscopy, I might consider it. MRI shows no tears to the rotator cuff. I am glad that you had such a good experience and hopefully I will get something resolved. Thank you for your reply,