Sorry for starting a new thread again. Seems that I am not allowed to reply to the other one.
You asked how I am doing now?
I am doing great! I consider that life is good to me (smile). Thank you for asking (smile).
I am not saying that it was a piece of cake at first, but, with time, I am grateful to still BE.
Even after all those years, I still have ?ghost pains? that resembles muscle spasms. I have been told it will always be this way. In simple words, our brain keeps trying to get the lost member moving. It doesn?t know that it?s not available anymore, because it still has all the cells needed to activate it. That?s what?s causing the spasms.
You wont agree with what I?ll tell you now. It?s too early for this, but it?s something to ponder about. No one is really responsible for this mess. That man who caused the accident could have been riding on another road. Why was he in Chris way? That WHY will always be an unanswered question. In my case, it was the wind, only the wind, not even a strong wind. There must be a reason for such a destiny. It seems the answer is not ours to know. If we could answer to ?why does a baby have cancer? maybe we would also find answers to our questions.
As I have no certitude that another life will be given to me after this one, I enjoy every minute of it. To be handicapped following an accident isn?t a disease, it?s only a fact.
There was a time when I could have sunk all my relatives in my desperation. If I were to suggest something, it would be to try not to take your son?s burden as yours. You have your own. This one is HIS. Easier said than done. It's a matter of survival for you, and be able to give support. Step back from his physical challenge, but listen, and watch for emotional disorders. If it happens, that?s something to be taken care by a specialist in the matter.
You have great supporting friends here (smile). This is wonderful! Venting is a MUST, and it fits this forum. As a parent your body is not hurt, but your hearth sure his. The ?significant others? definitely need help too.
You asked how I am doing now?
I am doing great! I consider that life is good to me (smile). Thank you for asking (smile).
I am not saying that it was a piece of cake at first, but, with time, I am grateful to still BE.
Even after all those years, I still have ?ghost pains? that resembles muscle spasms. I have been told it will always be this way. In simple words, our brain keeps trying to get the lost member moving. It doesn?t know that it?s not available anymore, because it still has all the cells needed to activate it. That?s what?s causing the spasms.
You wont agree with what I?ll tell you now. It?s too early for this, but it?s something to ponder about. No one is really responsible for this mess. That man who caused the accident could have been riding on another road. Why was he in Chris way? That WHY will always be an unanswered question. In my case, it was the wind, only the wind, not even a strong wind. There must be a reason for such a destiny. It seems the answer is not ours to know. If we could answer to ?why does a baby have cancer? maybe we would also find answers to our questions.
As I have no certitude that another life will be given to me after this one, I enjoy every minute of it. To be handicapped following an accident isn?t a disease, it?s only a fact.
There was a time when I could have sunk all my relatives in my desperation. If I were to suggest something, it would be to try not to take your son?s burden as yours. You have your own. This one is HIS. Easier said than done. It's a matter of survival for you, and be able to give support. Step back from his physical challenge, but listen, and watch for emotional disorders. If it happens, that?s something to be taken care by a specialist in the matter.
You have great supporting friends here (smile). This is wonderful! Venting is a MUST, and it fits this forum. As a parent your body is not hurt, but your hearth sure his. The ?significant others? definitely need help too.