Ross, how is Lyn?

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Hi Ross I haven't saw where you mentioned how Lyn is. Has she gone back to work? I hope eveything is okay with you. I sure like my new computer. My goodness, it is so much faster. I live out in the country and can't get cable so the dial up is slow but once I'm connected, watch out. The computer man still has to put the new version of Word Perfect on for me. That's where all my documents are stored. He ordered it and it should be in sometime this week.
Hi there

Lyn just completed week 2 and has started week 3 back at work. She wasn't exactly conditioned for work, but these last two weeks have certainly toughened her up some. Still have to go get another Renal Scan at the end of October to see how well that kidney is still functioning.

Glad you got a new comp, but more importantly for you then word perfect, is getting some antispyware stuff installed on it and running it weekly as well as updating. If you get another nasty infection on there, it's going to make it crawl too. ;)
I had Norton Anti-Virus put and it updates automatically. So far, so good. I had this computer specially built because I didn't all that junk that comes with a Gateway or Dell. This has just what I need and use.

I'm glad to hear that Lyn is doing better. She is still in my prayers and so are you.
Sweety your going to need alot more then just Norton to keep the spyware at bay. It's really a big spyware zoo out here now. You might want to talk to some pro's around you and get some recommendations for additional software to stop this stuff. Most of it is free, but there are a couple of very good pay programs too. ;)
I really like the Microsoft Antispyware Beta program. You can download it for free (Ross recommended this one) at the Microsoft web site. I just put in on my daughter's lap top. First of all she had Kazaa ( :mad: ) a music sharing program that is infamous for spyware and messing up your computer. It took 2 hours to fully scan her PC. She was as infested as a 15 day-old pig carcass. She is very pleased with how much faster her 2 year old laptop is running.
Now that your PC is up and running as you want it to the challenge is going to be to keep it that way.
If you do not have a firewall installed on your PC you should do it now.
You also need to have an anti-virus program and keep it up to date and run it regularly.
You should have an anti-spyware program and keep it up to date and run it regularly. I actually have 2 anti-spyware programs because I have found that one does not necessarily always pick up all spyware.
There are free versions for non commercial use of firewall, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs available from some of the major vendors.
The free versions do the important stuff without the bells and whistles. :)
Thanks for your advice everyone. Where do I go to get these free antispryware programs? I had mentioned it to the supposedly computer expert that built my computer and he said I only needed Norton. I'm beginning to wonder about him, although he's sold and built computers for years. Give me addresses and I'll download them. I sure don't want to get messes up like I did before.
Try Lavasoft Adaware

Try Lavasoft Adaware

I was born in Joplin and lived in Carthage for 10 years.

Go to or google it. There is a free download for ad-aware SE. I've been using it for months and have no more spyware or pop-ups. I scan my pc once a week or any time I download music.

Hope this helps.

Here is what I use and even with all of these, I still find some nasties every now and then. Yes, you do need more then one. One catches what the other misses. In this case, more is better.

Microsoft Antispyware

Ad Aware

Spybot Search and Destroy

Spyware Blaster

All of these are free. You will need to read the help files to understand the programs, but now that you have XP, if you have MSN messenger installed, I can remotely connect with you to help you set them all up if you'd like. ;)
I use 2 of the anti-spyware prgrams Ross mentions Ad Aware & Spybot.
You need a Firewall to stop other people accessing your PC via the internet and hijacking it and to stop any spyware or viruses that may be on your PC from accesing the internet without your knowledge.
Microsoft has a built in Firewall with the latest vestion of Windows XP if you do not have it turned on you should turn it on. If you do not have the latest version of Windows XP installed the latest update can be down loaded from the MIcrosoft windows update site.
I actually use a different Firewall Zonealarm by Zonelabs the web site link is below.;jsessionid=C853sM0NRgBJ41tgBgSUGXvxlHezzH5JHIMFV1td0KreTys7xmY5!1406397070!-1062696903!7551!7552!151243548!-1062696904!7551!7552?lid=dbtopnav_zass

The free anti-virus program I use is Grisoft the web site link is below.

I trust this is of assistance to you. :)
Glenda said:
I don't think I have MSN installed. Is this a free program or is it just another internet program?
Glenda it's like Yahoo messenger or AOL AIM and yes it's free, but only it will allow someone with XP to help someone else with XP remotely. Here is the link to the program:

Becareful installing it. You do not want the toolbar or anything else that is optional, you only want messenger and nothing else.