Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS

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Vu lam

VR Vendor
Oct 2, 2024
Looking for a dependable supplier of CoaguChek strips? Look no further than With over a decade of service both on and off eBay, we have a proven track record of reliability. We exclusively offer new strips with long expiration dates, ensuring you get the best value. Our commitment remains unwavering: to provide affordable, high-quality products to those who need them most.
Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 09-51-57 PTS Diagnostics.png
Enough already. I don't think this forum was created for advertising. If you want to advertise, I'm sure the owners of this site would probably be happy to help.

Now that you've found this forum, it looks to me like you're getting pretty aggressive with your marketing.

In the past, other posts mentioned Reliaston AND SelfCareDepot.
Enough already. I don't think this forum was created for advertising. If you want to advertise, I'm sure the owners of this site would probably be happy to help.

Now that you've found this forum, it looks to me like you're getting pretty aggressive with your marketing.

In the past, other posts mentioned Reliaston AND SelfCareDepot.
I am the owner of selfcaredepot. I am providing a product/service. If you take issue with that, please advise the forum administrator.
Thanks for letting us know. Your prices for strips are in line with what I was paying on eBay. I'll plan to place my next strip order with your company, especially since you are now a sponsor of VR. Also, it is good for the members to have a reliable source to purchase new meters should they need one.
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I don't think this forum was created for advertising.
do you recall that initially it was sponsored by On-X and had a great big banner across the top?

Personally I've got no problems with the promotion of materials which we actually need (well, some of us) and its great IMO to have a vendor for exactly what is commonly asked "where can I get my strips"

Win Win ... free market right?

Oh and @Vu lam , sorry mate I'm in Australia so I can't (rationally or economically) support your store

Best Wishes
but I wouldn't be surprised to see your logo on this site pretty soon.
what would be wrong with that? Would you prefer to see ads for eBay or Amazon ... wait, we already do!!


my view is that someone has to pay for things ... so I'd rather it be people who sell stuff we benefit from and normally buy anyway.

Vote with your dollars, vote with your feet or don't vote at all ... either works IMO

Best Wishes

You misunderstood me -- I think that advertising on this forum would be a GOOD thing to do. It has been for a few hours. Good for them.

I also think that being a sponsor at this site is a good thing to do (which SelfHelpDepot is now) is also a good thing. We should remember, when we run low on strips (or want a sexy new meter), that there's a sponsor we can easily find (because there's apparently a sponsor list) who has the stuff and supports this site.

All things being roughly equal between SelfHelpDepot and Reliaston, I'd probably go to a supporter of the forum first.

I was just concerned about how brazen the posts were.

Looking at the sponsor list might be the best way to find a source of strips - as long as those of us here know where to look. (I'm pretty sure this won't be forgotten and may even be promoted by the site administrator).

sorry if I misunderstood ...

by brazen do you mean direct and forthright?

How should they be done? (keep in mind, I'm an Australian who just prefers direct.
There were many forums - including one or more created by the owner of SelfCareDepot - created in a few days.
There was no subtlety to this. Direct and forthright may be okay - but NOT SO MUCH OF IT.

It was like a dog hanging on to a bone -- ONE posting should have been enough. For me, it was just way too much.

We had a thread listing alternative sources. The repeated postings were, to me, too much.

I'm glad that he's a sponsoring member - we should be able to find him when we need more strips or want a new meter. We don't have to be hit with so much advertising inside forum messages.
My opinion is that a thread should be made and everyone from their country should post links with prices and shops that sold films and packages. So, for example, a French person will be able to easily find the best prices and which stores were selling in his country.
Thanks for letting us know. Your prices for strips are in line with what I was paying on eBay. I'll plan to place my next strip order with your company, especially since you are now a sponsor of VR. Also, it is good for the members to have a reliable source to purchase new meters should they need one.
Thank you Chuck. When you are ready, please let me know and I can send over to you a discount code.

ONE posting should have been enough. For me, it was just way too much.
Dude, he made two posts, including the one that initiated this thread, to let people know that he has his product available. It appears that he has done so with the full blessing of VR, of which he now is a sponsor. Not even close to "way too much". If you happen to read every post on the forum, then perhaps one is enough for you, but there are others who do not read every single post- perhaps only a fraction of them.
Also, he started this thread with the sole purpose of letting members know that he has these products available. Why would you not just avoid the thread if it triggers you?
Members have had some challenges in finding strips and meters. There was a bit of a panic when eBay changed their policy and no longer carried these items. Having another source for these supplies is a positive thing. If one of the very few sources of strips gets shut off, it is a good thing that there are other options.

My opinion is that a thread should be made and everyone from their country should post links with prices and shops that sold films and packages. So, for example, a French person will be able to easily find the best prices and which stores were selling in his country.
That is an excellent idea.
Dude - I've seen his stuff in multiple threads. It wasn't just this one thread. Plus, he sent me a message, and probably sent a similar message to many others on this forum. It wasn't just the single posting.

Athens - I agree --- to a point. But prices change. What happens to this thread if pricing changes?

Will many of us look for this thread then go to the first message? When I look at threads, I look at new postings - not the post that began it all.

How many do you think look at stuff in the 'Where do you buy your supplies' thread?

No - I think that the best way to do this is to have a sponsor directory with vendors all over the world. The administrator can separate them by country, to make it easier to find them. This way they're supporting the site and there's a link to find them.

I don't think I'll be all too comfortable if Reliaston posted its prices and info in this thread, THEN contacted those of us who've read it (or the active posters) with MORE information.

For me, too much is too much -- and this vendor and others have already been listed in the more appropriate 'where to you buy your supplies' thread.
Unless I am told by the administrator of this forum that my conduct is not allowed, I will continue to do what I do. I am here for the benefit of forum members; those that need to find reliable and affordable testing supplies. If my post offends you or anyone else for that matter, I would suggest you exercise your freedom of choice and ignore and move on.
Okay -- do it until the administrator stops you. I'll run red lights until I get pulled over. I'll go through stop signs until I hit someone. Do whatever you want until you're told not to.
Good plan.
I'm not offended by the post - I just don't agree that advertising belongs in a thread on this site - it's not a commercial site - it's a user site.

It should be enough that you've made your point, posted your advertisement, and for all I know, sent marketing mail to everyone on this thread.

At this point, as a sponsor, you're the only one who sells supplies. This should get you inquiries - if not business.

When I get close to running out of strips - or close to expiring the ones I have, I'll contact you. If you have a discount code for me, I may even use it.
it's not a commercial site - it's a user site.
no, actually, its a user site supported by commercial activity - money. Money to keep the doors open, money to pay the staff (who aren't volunteers) and money to pay the registration fees for the domain name and the hardware that's hosting the site.

are you that out of touch?

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