I saw two doctors today at the cardiologists office. First I met briefly with the cardiologist and he basically put me back on twice a day lasix for now. He ran ekg and listened to me and said everything sounded and looked good with the heart. He didnt seem to concerned with the fluid retention but wanted me to watch the weight. Of course today I was back in the 270's and wasnt retaining as bad.
The second doctor I saw was cardiophsyilogist? The heart electrician. He reviewed my holter monitor, took another ekg, listened to me again and basically said everything was looking good. (I had 3 brief A-Fib episodes in the three weeks after surgery. I had one the next night after surgery that was servere and lasted until a cardioversion.) I am off the Amiodarone as of now. I had basically halved myself anyways and didnt realize it. The pharmacy was out of 400's so I got 200's. I didnt pay attention and halved the dosage.
I go back to the Cardiologist next wednesday and he will be looking for my vitals from rehab on Friday and MOnday prior to my visit. (they fax them over at the end of the day).
I have seemed to pick up a "high blood pressure" problem along the way. My blood pressure has always been on the low side of normal but now its considered high with the medicines I have been taking. (Lowpressor, Cardizem, Amomiadrone)
My INR was 2.3 so that was good news.
Lets sum it all up. Weight, increase Lasix to twice a day. Amiomadrone, gone completely, wish me luck that I get no A-fib. Blood Pressure, I have no idea at this point but will have a better conversation with him next week. HE had also mentioned another pill other than Lasix that will take care of water and blood pressure.