Right heart cath today

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Joe had his right heart cath today. He had been having issues with breathing. And the funny thing is that nothing was adding up. His oxygenation has been 95 or better in room air and his jugular veins have not been sticking out, and he has lost about 20 pounds of ugly fluid which left him skinny but without any rales (fluid sounds in the lungs), no ascites, and his leg edema is almost back to normal. He had had terrible fluid retention problems for the past several months. Most of that was left over from having 4 hospitalizations since Christmas, and the hospitals not taking good care of his sodium restriction. I cannot get it through their fat heads. It really burns me up.:mad:

His former anemia problems seem to be getting straightened out due to the terrific argon plasma coagulation procedure which cauterized the gastritis in his stomach.

However, his docs took him off Tracleer for his pulmonary hypertension because there were some liver issues. And everyone was afraid that his PH was returning with a vengeance.

Well, the right cath showed his pulmonary pressures have remained stable and in the mild range. His cardiac output is "great" for the condition of his heart and so far his valves seem to be fine with the exception of the tricuspid. That is leaking, and at times severely, but because the fluid overload can be controlled with diuretics, he is not a candidate for surgery repair or replacement. Believe me when I say I really have pushed that issue with every doctor I've spoken with, and the answer is the same.

The next step today will be a pulmonary function workup and then another echo. He had one within the last two months, so I do not expect any surprises there.

But it is possible that they can tweak his pulmonary function and get him breathing better, and get him to the point that he can exercise, and then get him over the hump.

So, many good things today. We'll see what the pulmonary function stuff shows.

I think he's in much better shape than he thought.
Great News!

Great News!

Don't you love it when test results are so positive! Good job.

Keep up the good care, Nancy! My mother-in-law was such a hawk when it came to my father-in-law's diet, exercise, daily weigh-ins, etc. She kept him on the right and healthy road.
The news sounds good so far, Nancy.
As you said, perhaps he can get to the point of being able to exercise again, and then get past the rest of this. I hope that the slow but steady regime Joe has stuck with soon reward him with better health.
Sounds like excellent test results. You have my prayers on getting the breathing eased.
That's great news, Nancy. I'm so glad that things are looking up for Joe and in no small measure it is due to your advocacy and tender loving care. Best wishes for his good health.
Three cheers

Three cheers

So very glad the news was good on this one. Being in limbo can be so difficult. Now, you can relax a bit and have a nice Easter Sunday.
Best wishes
Nancy -

Nancy -

Such great news to read on the Vr.com board tonight. Made my day!

A spring renewal for you both! I hope this health reprieve for Joe lasts through the year and then some!

May God continue to bless -

Christina L
I am so happy to hear this good news. I will pray that things stay on the up side and you both have a very great year.
I'll admit I clicked this thread with trepidation. I couldn't be more delighted that it was unfounded. This is all such good news! Congrats!
Your posts always show how much you love Joe. He's a lucky man to have you in his ballpark.

We are always glad to get good news - Tell him we always think of him and when we see his name, we take a deep breath.
Congratulations to Joe and you on his good report. I'm so glad for this good news. He deserves it, I bet. You too. I know he's had a rough time of it. Like Ann says, he's lucky to have you on his side. Best wishes.
Wonderful news! Nancy, you are so tenacious and I love it. He couldn't have a better person to help him through all this.

Glad to hear the good reports Nancy,
but WHY did they do the Right Heart Cath?

... and of particular interest to those of us on Coumadin,
did he go OFF anticoagulation for the test?

...and if so, did he use Bridging Therapy? Lovenox or Heparin?

'AL Capshaw'
Great news Nancy! As a beginner learning about my CHF I truly learn from your posts about Joe! You are truly a remarkable woman & it shows you dearly love your hubby!
I am so thrilled for you and Joe, Nancy.....

I am so thrilled for you and Joe, Nancy.....

This certainly has been a great day-which I must add, is a EXTREMELY WELL DESERVED ONE for both you and Joe.....I am sorry I haven't been on much, but have been tied up with my grandmother and father this past week , and it has been crazy.....nevertheless, I am tickled pink for both of you and hope that he improves more and more each day. Take Care, Harrybaby:D :D :D :D :D
Thanks everyone!

Al- Joe had a right heart cath because they had taken him off his pulmonary hypertension medication and his breathing problems were possibly indicating a worsening of the PH. The right heart cath is the gold standard for that disease.

He stopped his Coumadin for one day, then went in and had a Heparin drip until the test, then back on Heparin and Coumadin last night.

Joe cannot take Lovenox or Fragmin due to kidney problems which come and go. Heparin is the only way. His problems are way too dicey to just stop Coumadin for several days.

By the way the INR target range for doing the right heart cath at this hospital is 1.8.