I wanted to drop a note on progess and had a long detail of everything typed untill my 5 year old walked up and clossed my session..................I cant go into major detail right now got to get back to hospital. Rough road but all went well, doctor said aortic valve was way worse then he thought and the infection had started away at his mitral valve too. He was able to cut off those 3 dominant spots and not have to replace the mitral only the aortic. He said his age is what kept him going and strength because from how bad it was he realistcally should have gone into cardiac arrest already. The first visit yesterday was good, I was ready for the white chalky bad look and surprised and happy when I saw his red face. He actually started coming out of it too soon so they had to sedate him some more. Last night I saw some of my husband, his roll of the eyes when I said something stupid, his whisper and his squeeze of the hand. I went to bed very content on how things were going. Now today when I went in it was not the man I saw yesterday. I felt like I could look right through him and nobody was home. He showed no emotion no anything. He could hear and comunicate but it was almost like a statue that had been defeated. The only thing he said was "I am sorry for being a shitbag" (I hope that doesnt ofend anyone) It was like he is apologizing for being sick. Today has just been long, he gets mad when the nurses say I have to leave and then distant when I am there. I guess the emotional rollercoaster has started. I hope to see when I go back in few minutes a little more of my husband, because as God Knows I really love and miss him.............................will keep you update and for all those who have been there................I REALLY truly understand what you have gone through now.