Rhena's Surgery Feb 2

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Okay, folks, one of our valued Forum members, Rhena (TXWildflower) will be having her surgery next Wednesday, February 2. I know you all want to pass along your best vibes to her. Rhena is one of the stalwart members of Cooker's Throwdown, so we have grown to relish her wit and wisdom. She's been posting more widely lately, so I'm sure others of you have met her.

Rhena, you are bound to be a tad apprehensive (as we all were or are), but try to relax and enjoy this weekend. (Think good thoughts, such as the Texas Longhorns going back to the national championship!) February is a great month for valve replacement, as I can personally attest! You know, it's the month of hearts and flowers and all the sweets for the sweet. You will do just fine, 'cause you are sweet. We will be with you there in spirit and here for you when you start your recovery. You have done your homework and you have gone through the Throwdowners' boot camp, so you are ready.

Sending you an early Valentine's hug and kiss. Godspeed.
Rhena, Wish you all the best on your upcoming surgery. Have a speedy recovery. We will be thinking of you. Make sure you keep us posted.
Rhena, you're having replacement on my mom's birthday. She was a circulating nurse in surgery for 30+ years, so I'm asking her to look down from above and keep an eye on your surgeon and his team . . . never hurts to have an extra pair of eyes counting sponges!:wink2:

I know everything will go well, and you'll soon rejoin The Throwdown and the St. Paddy's Day race to kick boy butt.:biggrin2:

You're in my thoughts and prayers until you're home and well on your way to recovery.
Rhena, I just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are going to a great hospital and have put a lot of thought and time into learning everything you could, so I hope that you remind yourself that when you get nervous in the next couple days. (which usually happens for me in the middle of the night) I look forward to hearing from you next week. Will someone be able to update us before you can get online?
Rhena, the hard part is past. Enjoy the weekend. Have a nice meal or two with friends, maybe with a pleasant wine and listen to your favorite music. You might also consider writing notes to your least favorite people and tell them exactly what you think of them. Later, you can say, "I was under such stress before surgery...I was really out of my mind!"

Best wishes for next week.

Well my little Texas Wildflower, my prayers, thoughts and well wishes are with you! I know you will pull through this like the real trooper that you are and I will be anxiously awaiting, along with a string of others here, for word that all went well and as planned.

Godspeed and we'll talk soon! :)
Rhena- Tag your it - I have left word at Austin Heart Hospital for them to take good care of my new little sister - I feel a little better each day and I know she will come out strong - Yes you can feel the strength of prayer - It surrounds you and guides you .
Rhena - a fellow Texan here wishing you the very best.You will be in my prayers.
Rhe-NA! You go girl! You'll be back on the boards in no time. Hugs and best wishes, and a few furry tail wags from Jet.
Rhena ... you know you will be in my prayers ... in honor of your surgery I will consume a banana pudding and a box of banana moon pies:wink2: ... Godspeed my friend:thumbup: ...
Wow! I am just overwhelmed by all your kind thoughts. I meant to post sooner, but just so busy and it seemed so 'real' to put pen to paper or something - not sure hosw to describe it. Anyway, now I finally go out here to post thinking all the while how silly How silly, you aren't giving anyone a chance to even read your post before you head for the hospital'. Now here I find out Superbob has started a thread for me and I can't tell you how great it is to read all this - right now especially. Y'all are awesome! Thank you so much SB. I've made my decisions, I've fretted, I've researched, found an excellent surgeon - I'm ready now to get it done! Just a few short hrs now before I leave for the hospital. My sister will post for me as soon as I become an official member of the OHS club!:)

Steve - thanks for breaking them in up at the Heart Hospital. It was good talking to you today and glad you are on the mend.
Hi Rhena......awaiting the update about you.....many prayers and positive energy coming your way.....God bless!!


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