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I am just a few days away from surgery and it the mad rush to have my son taken care of plus what I need, I will be 2 1/2 hours away from my child so I have not read many threads on these reunions. I live in the Northeast and would love to have one in say boston, or somewhere fun. How are these things done?
PVR with porcine, TV repair, full MAZE, and other procedures after born with pulmonary atresia with repair at birth in St. Louis MO. Scheduled for this Tues, May 11th, Childrens, Pedro del Nido, Boston.
There is the once-a-year reunion in October, and I have heard talk of mini-reunions and micro-reunions, when valvers who live close together, or make lengthy trips, get together.
I think Hank decides where the next reunion will be, but based on a lot of lobbying from different people. It is necessary to have a good group willing to work and make all the plans for the reunion. On the chat session this past Sunday, there was talk of an East coast reunion.
Reunion Location

Reunion Location

Yes - The reunion location is decided a year in advance. In Denver, this October, we will decide where the 2005 reunion will be held. It is a process of input from the members and my wife and I trying to make a decision based on what parts of the country we have been to already. I think we'll be due for a east coast reunion. Remains to be seen though..

When we had the reunion in Vegas two years ago we stayed downtown and as Christina said, we had a blast. Everything is fairly cheap, so unless you like to gamble (which I do a little, but I set a limit and stick to it) it wouldn't cost an arm and a leg! :D I can understand moving it around from one side of the country to the other though. That way it makes easier for the valve buddies from that particlar area to be able to make it. How about Vegas every third year? Just a thought.

As for air fare. I had been checking prices since January and each month the prices kept going up to where it was going to cost close to $375.00 a person round trip. Of course I wanted non stop and I also wanted noon type hours to leave and come back. I kept hemming and hawing because I couldn't afford to pay that much. Well, low and behold, I got on to Expedia yesterday and I was able to get airfare for $202.00 round trip and that included taxes. So of course I booked. so now Carol and I will officially be there. Yea!!!! Guess I better book the room. Looking forward to October! The Denver reunion sounds like it will be fun. Well actually they have all been fun! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Yea Lorraine! Good going on the airfare. If you hang around long enough it usually goes down. Actually $202 is amazing!

Ok, I could deal with Vegas every third year, lol. I like to play the slots a little myself ;) I think we should stick to October if that is the case. Summer is too dang hot!
Yeah Gina,

I did good! I do have patience (looking at airfares for 4 months)! In fact Carol and I were on there Sunday and you could get the flight for $202.00 if my return flight was before 9:00am. Then like I said yesterday, I got my flight going for 12:48pm and coming back at 12:45p. I believe that is your flight Gina.

Yes, I agree I like the October dates best. At least it doesn't interfere with my busiest times at work, otherwise i wouldn't be able to make it at all.
The whole picture........

The whole picture........

Christina is telling a true story.... we had a great time in Vegas!! So many shows, so many things to see and do. But I?ve had a great time at every reunion I?ve been to. Every one of them have been different and unique. We do a pretty darn good job of entertaining ourselves... no matter where we are or what we have (or don?t have) planned. (Billy don?t say it....!! Bite your tongue!) :p You know ... if you compare prices from the first reunion ..... we?ve come a LONG way! lol Staying at the Westin on the River Walk in San Antonio, Texas at Christmas time... was a blast! :D

If we do it in Vegas again.. I would recommend staying on the strip. Just walking through the different hotels in an experience. And if you keep your eyes peeled you can get those expensive rooms... CHEAP! I?ve been staying in that city off and on all my life. I?ve always had relatives in CA, Vegas has always been a nice half way point to spend the night. I just booked a room at the Excaliber for $35.00 a night.. right on the strip across from MGM. Sara just loves the dinner show they do with the horses. They make up the cost of the room on wackos like me that pay twice as much in the dinner show as you do for the room!! But hey.... there?s a lot of free stuff too... puppet shows, story telling and other activities going on all the time in this particular hotel. Each hotel has a unique atmosphere and different activities going on. We enjoy it in small doses. We?re not gamblers either.. but gambling is only a small part of what?s happening in Vegas.

I think the folks living back east may have a different idea of what would be an inexpensive reunion. Actually ... I?d be willing to bet that every member of has a different opinion of what makes up ?convenient and cheap?. Gotta keep the ?whole picture? in focus.

BTW Hank.... we?ll start rattling trees for more donations! A reunion could never be complete without its creator!! Oh, and did I forget to mention you are the main speaker?!! :p You gotta be there!! Will you be driving or flying? I know you?d probably pop on the interstate and stay there... but if you wanna detour to my house, I have plenty of room for you to spend the night and I'd even fix ya dinner. :D
BTW Hank.... we?ll start rattling trees for more donations! A reunion could never be complete without its creator!! Oh, and did I forget to mention you are the main speaker?!! :p You gotta be there!! Will you be driving or flying?

I hope I used the quote feature correctly; but I'd like to second that last paragraph, Rain!
Hi Hank!

Hi Hank!

I know there will be others bidding for an east coast reunion, but please consider Virginia. The Shenandoah Valley is so beautiful in October. I live in Harrisonburg, VA which is 50 mts NW of Charlottesville. I would be glad to make reunion arrangements if you all would like to come here for the 2005 reunion.

Take Care!
You have my vote for VA ;) That would mean Dr. Marty would be in attendance too! Marty and Rich were my very first heart buddies. Have yet to have the pleasure.
If you come to Virginia and I am still alive, you bet I will attend! The Shenandoah is beautiful in the fall but a little too far to visit DC.Think of finding a meeting place in Arlington or Alexandria. Let me have one night for a party at our home in McLean. Decide what you want to see and I'll be the tour guide.
No more talk about not being alive in 2005! You will be!

Virginia would be a great location. But heck, I will go just about anywhere as long as my buddies are there.
Gina M said:
No more talk about not being alive in 2005! You will be!

Virginia would be a great location. But heck, I will go just about anywhere as long as my buddies are there.

My daughter and I are thinking about taking a short trip out to the DC area this summer to do all the tourist stuff. Visit friends that just relocated. They live in Bristow, VA. Not exactly certain where it is....but if we come out this summer I will let you all know so we can meet :) Just to think......we were building a home in Ellicott CIty, MD. Ended up back in Chicago instead :( Beautiful county out there!

Gina, We'd love to meet up with you if you make it out this way this summer.
Bristow is about 25 miles out from where we live in McLean. We are 0.5 mile from the District near Chain Bridge. Warm regards Marty
Hey Rain,
I have started on my Indiana basket. We never did do the survey. About the baskets are the swap. I think it would be fun to do both! WHat do you think , One would be for the fun of ti and the otherr would help us raise some money. ANy other thoughts from the gallery.
I'd like to donate a trinket for our Hoosier basket even though I probably won't be able to go. If you all go ahead with the baskets, PM me your address, and I'll send an Indiana-related item.
Hello, Sherrin. At the time, I lived in Vincennes, and my cardio there sent me to Indy. Now that I'm in Evansville, we do have some great cardios and surgeons right here. Are you seeing docs locally or going elsewhere? You're fairly close to Louisville, aren't you? I PMd you back about the address. You forgot to send it :eek: :eek: I'll get you a trinket sent out for our basket sometime in July.

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