Reunion Update from Vegas!

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Hank Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
Hello Friends!

I am posting our first update from Vegas.

The wireless signal doesn't reach to my room, so here I sit in the hallway window sill with a chair typing to all you fine people :mad:

Anyway, today the following folks showed up and commenced the 6th annual Reunion.

Myself and Michelle
Lorraine and Carol
Betty and Tom
and Gregg

We had some nice visits with some great hugs, ate some dinner, and pretty much proceeded to treat ourselves to a night of sleep after a hard day traveling.

More updates tomorrow.. And some PICS too!

Phillip, Lance and Gina are due to arrive late tonight. We will be sleeping like babies by then!

:cool: Until tomorrow....

Here I am at Sam's Town using the TV to post! Arrived@ 9:30PM. Lorraine and Carol were in the lobby. We went to the casino, had a drink and played.

Looking forward to meeting up with you all for lunch and the cruise. I may be sleeping through breakfast! Considering it's already morning!
Everything went fine with the procedure. I'm not in too much pain right now, but I can tell the novocaine is starting to wear off. Guess I'll have to start on the tylenol soon.

Stacey and I are going to Nashville tonight (Thursday) and flying out at 7:20 tomorrow morning. Should be on the ground by 9:30. Can't wait... :) :)
Give me a ring

Give me a ring

Sherry - Looking forward to it..

Pam - I hope you can make it, but I am sorry to hear about your father. I hope he is doing ok.

My Cell is 602-295-3164.. It hasn't been ringing, but you can leave me a voice mail and I'll call you back...

We are having a good time so far.. :D
Pam I am sorry to hear of your father's heart attack...

Pam I am sorry to hear of your father's heart attack...

PamO said:
My father, who lives in Kingman, AZ, had a heart attack last night. I'm flying into Phoenix (Laughlin was too expensive) and driving to Kingman tomorrow. If he stabilizes, I just may take a little drive to VEGAS!!!!!! Saturday.

If I don't see all of you - have a blast!!!!!
You are in my prayers, and wishes that you have a safe travel and your father gets better as soon as possible. Take Care, Harrybaby :D :D
Pam - I am sorry to hear about your father. I hope all is well and this actually turns into an opportunity to get to Vegas. I will pray that your father is fine and you have a safe trip.
PamO said:
My father, who lives in Kingman, AZ, had a heart attack last night. I'm flying into Phoenix (Laughlin was too expensive) and driving to Kingman tomorrow. If he stabilizes, I just may take a little drive to VEGAS!!!!!! Saturday.

If I don't see all of you - have a blast!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope everything is okay.
Well thanks alot guys, you stood me up! I've been sitting here waiting since 5 pm your time and it's now 9 your time and no one ever came on to webcam. No email, no private message, no nothing. :confused:
Sorry Ross - No Connection!

Sorry Ross - No Connection!

So sorry about that Ross..

We got all set up and found that the stupid Hotel's wireless Internet access did not reach all the way into the meeting room.

We were all bummed out that we couldn't webcam you and such. And I didn't have your number with me to call you and was too swamped to hike back to my room.

What a bunch of rotten web friends we are!

No really - we thought about you and enjoyed your audio message to us all.

You are the glue that binds us :D
Great Meeting!

Great Meeting!

We had a great meeting tonight at Sam's Town in Las Vegas.

There was good food and good company UNTIL SOME OF US LEFT AND WENT TO SEE ELTON JOHN!! You know who you are!!

Anyway - We enjoyed each others company are better because of it....

Looking forward more than ever to next years reunion..

More details soon....
Ross, we really did miss you on the webcam, but it's true, the wireless didn't work in the meeting room! We did enjoy hearing your voice and seeing postcards from those who sent them! It was a great evening to finally meet some of the people who I've seen on this great website for the past 2 years.


Hank, this year's reunion isn't over yet ... and you're _already_ looking forward to next year's?


He he he...sounds a bit like me .... he he he
Hank said:
So sorry about that Ross..

We got all set up and found that the stupid Hotel's wireless Internet access did not reach all the way into the meeting room.

We were all bummed out that we couldn't webcam you and such. And I didn't have your number with me to call you and was too swamped to hike back to my room.

What a bunch of rotten web friends we are!

No really - we thought about you and enjoyed your audio message to us all.

You are the glue that binds us :D
Well I never..........

Ross said:
Well thanks alot guys, you stood me up! I've been sitting here waiting since 5 pm your time and it's now 9 your time and no one ever came on to webcam. No email, no private message, no nothing. :confused:
Hi Ross, Sorry about last night. Hank said we couldn't get it hooked up right or something like that. It sure wasn't that we weren't thinking about you o
r for lack of trying. We should have called you though! It must have been a long wait. I'm on an airport computer with keys that stick and charges by the minute so this session will be short.
Airport? Betty, are you flying back home already?


Hmph...I was looking forward to the updates like we were able to post last year from Golden CO.... Ah, well ... ya'll be home soon enough anyway and can share then ;).

Sure hope everyone had a wonderful time!
Hi Everybodeeee!

Hi Everybodeeee!

Just thought I'd take a minute to say hi to all you reunion peoples! I haven't had much time to check the board because we had a birthday party today for the little guy that was born the day after last year's reunion. The poor little guy is a little under the weather, but we went ahead and celebrated him anyway.

I hope you guys are all on your best behavior out there, (yeah, right), let us know where next year's reunion will be and hopefully we'll be able to bring the karaoke again.

I'm attatching a picture of the birthday boy, Christian, so y'all can see how cute he is. Don't have TOO much fun without us now!
Who all attended the reunion?

Our daughter has moved to Vegas and I thought about going to Vegas to attend reunion. But.. she had to be in CA this weekend.
hi all,
sounds like you all had an amazing time_ as usual.
wish joey and i could have been there... maybe next year.
so sorry to hear about pam's father; hope he's ok.

can't wait for the photos!
be well,