Hi Everybody,
I?m happy to report that reunion plans are moving right along. The biggest hurdle at this point is figuring out how to move people around. DIA is waaaay out in the boonies.
No matter what hotel we choose, it will be 30 - 40 miles from the airport. (Unless we do an airport hotel) We?re hoping to get enough volunteers to at least pick everyone up from the airport upon arrival. The shuttle fees run from $35.00 to $50.00 round trip. Surely one way is half that price.
There are a few hotels right around the airport, but if we stay around that area... the reunion might as well be anywhere in the US. There?s NOTHING there... and it would be hard to move everyone around to where there is something. If you get all the way to DIA, I?m thinking you won?t mind taking a couple extra steps to get to a small CO town with some personality.
If we?re stuck in a hotel out in the middle of nowhere all weekend.... Billy better bring LOTS of whiskey!
Actually, we?ll have a schedule of events. That way those who have other plans besides being at the reunion can coordinate with vr.com group activities.
This is what we?re looking at right now....
A. Stay close to the airport... out in the boonies. Away from the views, mountains, city, etc. Cheaper rooms, but there?s nothing there.
B. Stay in downtown Denver. Hotel and food is more expensive, but the shuttle is a little less. And transporting people is going to be more difficult in the city.
C. Stay in a smaller western town.. like Golden, near the mountains, less expensive hotel, less expensive food, but a little more in shuttle fees. Golden is the home of Coors Brewing and Buffalo Bill?s grave, among other things. I think it?s about ten miles farther to Golden than Denver from the airport.
Is it to soon to get a preliminary head count of who is coming and if you will be driving or renting a car when you get here? That would sure make the planning easier!
Love you guys!! Can?t wait to see all of you here in 'Colorful Colorado'!!
We?ll have a hotel name, address and price soon. It?s all coming together.
I?m happy to report that reunion plans are moving right along. The biggest hurdle at this point is figuring out how to move people around. DIA is waaaay out in the boonies.
No matter what hotel we choose, it will be 30 - 40 miles from the airport. (Unless we do an airport hotel) We?re hoping to get enough volunteers to at least pick everyone up from the airport upon arrival. The shuttle fees run from $35.00 to $50.00 round trip. Surely one way is half that price.
There are a few hotels right around the airport, but if we stay around that area... the reunion might as well be anywhere in the US. There?s NOTHING there... and it would be hard to move everyone around to where there is something. If you get all the way to DIA, I?m thinking you won?t mind taking a couple extra steps to get to a small CO town with some personality.
This is what we?re looking at right now....
A. Stay close to the airport... out in the boonies. Away from the views, mountains, city, etc. Cheaper rooms, but there?s nothing there.
B. Stay in downtown Denver. Hotel and food is more expensive, but the shuttle is a little less. And transporting people is going to be more difficult in the city.
C. Stay in a smaller western town.. like Golden, near the mountains, less expensive hotel, less expensive food, but a little more in shuttle fees. Golden is the home of Coors Brewing and Buffalo Bill?s grave, among other things. I think it?s about ten miles farther to Golden than Denver from the airport.
Is it to soon to get a preliminary head count of who is coming and if you will be driving or renting a car when you get here? That would sure make the planning easier!
Love you guys!! Can?t wait to see all of you here in 'Colorful Colorado'!!
We?ll have a hotel name, address and price soon. It?s all coming together.