Reunion plans.

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Hi Everybody,

I?m happy to report that reunion plans are moving right along. The biggest hurdle at this point is figuring out how to move people around. DIA is waaaay out in the boonies.

No matter what hotel we choose, it will be 30 - 40 miles from the airport. (Unless we do an airport hotel) We?re hoping to get enough volunteers to at least pick everyone up from the airport upon arrival. The shuttle fees run from $35.00 to $50.00 round trip. Surely one way is half that price.

There are a few hotels right around the airport, but if we stay around that area... the reunion might as well be anywhere in the US. There?s NOTHING there... and it would be hard to move everyone around to where there is something. If you get all the way to DIA, I?m thinking you won?t mind taking a couple extra steps to get to a small CO town with some personality. :) If we?re stuck in a hotel out in the middle of nowhere all weekend.... Billy better bring LOTS of whiskey! :p Actually, we?ll have a schedule of events. That way those who have other plans besides being at the reunion can coordinate with group activities.

This is what we?re looking at right now....

A. Stay close to the airport... out in the boonies. Away from the views, mountains, city, etc. Cheaper rooms, but there?s nothing there.

B. Stay in downtown Denver. Hotel and food is more expensive, but the shuttle is a little less. And transporting people is going to be more difficult in the city.

C. Stay in a smaller western town.. like Golden, near the mountains, less expensive hotel, less expensive food, but a little more in shuttle fees. Golden is the home of Coors Brewing and Buffalo Bill?s grave, among other things. I think it?s about ten miles farther to Golden than Denver from the airport.

Is it to soon to get a preliminary head count of who is coming and if you will be driving or renting a car when you get here? That would sure make the planning easier!

Love you guys!! Can?t wait to see all of you here in 'Colorful Colorado'!!

We?ll have a hotel name, address and price soon. It?s all coming together.
Intentions and Vote

Intentions and Vote

Michelle and Hank down for 2.

Denver 1st preference - Golden 2nd- Not the airport area.

Probably Renting a car.
Great going Rain! Thanks for all of your hard work. I know what a challenge it can be.;)

Count me in for 1 (me myself and I):D

Now that you have explained vote is for downtown Denver. I will be flying in a few days prior and visiting out in Parker. May need that car.

Thanks and keep us posted.

PS. May I make a suggestion...? Can you put a poll up for location voting. May be helpful to you.
*waves arms wildly in the air*

I'll be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Er, at least, that's what the plan is for now :).

Doesn't matter where to me, since I'll be driving as part of my "western swing" road trip :). I know that don't help ya, but too bad ;). LOL!

Cort S, pig valve & pacemaker-enhanced 30/swm
AIM=fc72mc...YIM=knightfan2691 / "The Uniter"..."Mr Road Trip"
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB =
"Mr MC's" Family...UPD, Kudos Ray! =
RIP = '76, Parents' [my] MC ... '88 MC LS ... '00 "mc" LS
Spotting MCs =
MC's Future =
I'll be coming alone. Would love to share a room, with someone of the female persuasion, of course. :D Haven't scheduled all my vacation time yet; may have enough wiggle room to come in Thursday evening.

I've stayed quite a few times at the DIA Holiday Inn. There's a conference center there we've had cat shows at. Restaurant leaves a lot to be desired. Bar in the atrium area. Free shuttle to/from DIA.

Have been to Golden couple of times, eaten at El Rancho with friend. Really enjoyed that -- spectacular views (July 4th great there), terrific food. They have a lodge there.
I'll drive up from the Albuquerque area. I don't know if my hubby will choose to come or not! I'll go whereever you pick!

I'll be sure to bring my camera!!

I'll be sure to bring my camera!!

Thank you, everyone!! Would you mind voting in my little poll? :D We really need to know how many people will be coming.

Oh, Janie..... lots of fantasies have come true on Lookout Mountain. :p But yours will be extra special..... you'll get to experience it with a group of clickers!! :D

Don't get you hopes up too high. It looks like a grave. He is buried under several feet of concrete reinforced with steel rods. The promoters of Denver were afraid that Cody, Wyoming would steal his bones. He wanted to be buried in Cody but had the misfortune to die further south. So Denver (actually Golden) kept him. There is a nice museum about Buffalo Bill up there and the view is nice. The view is even better from the Mother Cabrini Shrine which is on another part of Lookout Mountain.

There is a rumor that Cody actually got the prize but Denverites didn't want to admit it and just built the grave anyhow.

If you are a meatatarian (not vegetarian) you might enjoy a meal at the Buckhorn Exchange. This was one of BB's hangouts. It has liquor license #1. Every square inch is covered with animal heads. Vegetarians should not even drive down the street on which it is located.
Howdy (I'm practicing)

Howdy (I'm practicing)

there'll be two of us. Don't care where we stay - we'll be in Evergreen prior to reunion. There's pretty good public transportation from Golden to downtown Denver, seems to me.

How about we stay at the Brown Palace? HAHAHAHAHA:D :D :D

Wait til the flatlanders get a taste of the road up Lookout Mt. ARGH.
DAtes - Check the calendar link at the top of the page

DAtes - Check the calendar link at the top of the page

The calendar in this forum has the dates in October for future reference.
Hey, Cool! My husband and I might be able to attend this one and it'll be just a little past my first year with the new valve! How do I find out more details, please?

Thanks! ~Susan
Reunion Details

Reunion Details

Just stay tuned to thie "Reunions" forum and watch for more details in the near future.

All the information I have should also be posted in this forum. You can always search for "Denver" and it will probably give you more than you care to read about it.

We look forward to seeing you there!!
Tom and I are planning on coming. Golden would be my first choice. Isn't Golden one of the towns with casinos....if so, Tom would like that;) .

We would most likely plan a vacation around it. We have no specific plans yet but I would highly doubt we would drive but rent a vehicle for the time we spend there.
The casinos are in Black Hawk and Central City. Golden is the closest place in the Denver-area to BH & CC. I'm sure there are shuttles (probably at little charge) available from the hotel.
March update.

March update.

Hi Everyone,

Susan, I replied to your PM. But other people are also asking, so I?ll post the basic stuff here too. The reunion is Oct. 14th - 17th at the Golden Inn in Golden, CO. We have a dinner Thursday night, which is usually about half as many people as Friday or Saturday night. The main dinner will be Friday night. We?re hoping to reserve a banquet room for that night. That way we can take as long as we like and also have speakers, etc. at that time.

After breakfast a lot of people group together and do touristy kinds of things. We?re in the process of putting a schedule together. I think that will make it easier for people who are just popping in and out, but staying someplace else. Besides the scar photos, arm wrestling, singing and reciting poems, etc at the hotel... we?ll have plenty of cars in Golden, so taking a few road trips shouldn?t be a problem... unless we umm... we take a road trip to the brewery and can?t resist buying a keg! No... that?s not something this group would do!! :D

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