Reunion Key Chains

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Well-known member
May 19, 2003
Sterling CO
I just want to let everyone know that I have some key chains left from the Reunion. About 100 of them :D
So if you would like a few just send me a stamp or two and and let me know how many you want. I will get them right out to you.
Here is my address,
Dave Schuppe
325 N. 5th St.
Sterling CO 80751-3314

Take Care
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Do you also have any t-shirts left? I never did get around to sending you a check for one.
Hey Karlynn,
Yes I have some left. Let me know what size you want and I will save it for you.
Take Care
I'll take this opportunity to thank you for everything Dave. The keychains look edible. I'm always tempted to chew on one and find out. :)
Dave, My size would be an XXXS. :D Well, okay, make that an M or and L.
Karlynn said:
Dave, My size would be an XXXS. :D
one keychain please

one keychain please

Hi Dave - I didnt make it to the reunion - but I could I still get a keychain?
Did you want anything for them? Let me know and I will get the stamps and my address is the mail asap. How much for the t-shirts?


Hey Erica,
The key chains are free. I gave them out at the Reunion. All you need to do is send me a stamp and your address. 1 stamp should cover the postage to up to 3 I think. Let me know how many you want.
Take Care
And they're very nice keychains, too! Thanks very much, Dave :) ! It was very nice meeting you and your wife, and everyone in fact! You and Rain did a nice job with the whole thing! And we were so glad that Hank and his family were there because we really wanted to meet them and express our appreciation personally to Hank for establishing this wonderful site :) !
Thanks Susan,
It was nice meeting you and Jerry also. Looking forward to seeing you guys at the next reunion.
Take Care