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I know - I was just kinda teasin. I would make the worst moderator ever because, well, just because. But Ross was sorta pushed into this all those years ago and saved us so much grief from entries by awful people. I bet there are several here that could learn to moderate but we need volunteers. Ross was specially asked back then. we were still a small group at that time. Doesn't anybody want to be a moderator? I read all the replies on the other thread but nobody wanting to be a moderator.
I didn't see the other thread . . . I had been not around much for a few days, I put my back out, but I checked in every so often and saw nothing suggesting that apps were being invited for volunteer mods. I have been a mod of a large yahoo!group (about 3,000 members), and we actually had a team that shared duties.
I agree that multiple anonymous moderators might be a good option to either supplement or to help cover for Ross.

Again, not to critize Ross personally, but by being such an active participant on the forum, he occasionally puts himself directly in the line of fire when he has to put on his moderator hat. That's when it gets to be a pretty thankless job.

As I mentioned in my post in the earlier thread, it also can create issues with objectivity, either real or perceived. When an actively-participating moderator expresses an opinion, is it their opinion alone, or does it reflect the opinion of the "management"?

Hey Ross-man...

Hey Ross-man...


Rossman wrote to Rain: "Are you volunteering? Remember, there is no pay for the abuse. You do it because you want too or because your insane. I haven't figured out which just yet."

Ross man... you closed the thread before I could respond. :D You afraid I may take you up on that modership job? :p hee hee

No, thanks. I'm still working my first job... although it sounds like I could be in training for your modership.... :) I am a very successful, full time mama of 28 years. :) Living the good life off hugs, kisses, and bursting with pride. Moving into retirement with my darlin' grandson. :D

I think several mods with ONE email address for gripes, comments, etc. would make your job much easier, people wouldn't know which mod was receiving & answering their complaints.
I read them all and there were some really super ideas that maybe should be discussed by our 'higher tier', but I believe the one Rain has suggested is the winner. at least as an experiment to see how it works.

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