Reoperation rate comparison

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
I have a BAV, severe stenosis and regurgitation, and no symptoms. I am a candidate for elective AVR surgery - recommended to be had by June.

I have been led to believe that the failure rate of third-generation tissue valve is approaching that of mechanical valves, but the literature seems to suggest that mechanical valve are still significantly advantageous in that regard.

Wondering if anyone has seen studies that compare the reop rate between the two valve types. Also, interested to know about any folks with mechanical valves that have had to have a reop and why? Welcome positive and negative responses. If so, do you expect to have another reop?

Finally, I understand that post-operative scaring can reduce the conductivity of the heart, resulting in atrial fibrillation. Does anyone know how likely this is to occur? Is it cumulative with reoperations? Has anyone had this happen or not had this happen?

Thanks a lot! I think this website is a great idea!
I'm also a BAV with stenosis and I had lots of calcification on my valve. At the time of surgery I was 46 and
decided on a mech valve. The surgery ended up being very hard on me and I have my share of arrhythmias,
so I guess I'm hoping for as many years as I can get that will be free of any re-op. We never know what life
has in store for us, but choose what we think we can live with. Even mech valves can sometimes require
a re-op.
Pem, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you are getting the information that you are seeking and there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....
A list of acronyms and short forms

what to ask pre surgery

what to take with you to the hospital

Preparing the house for post surgical patients

These are from various forum stickies and there is plenty more to read as well[
Just wanted to welcome you to the site. We have a number of people who keep up with the research and stats, and will probably weigh in more specifically on your question. Valve choice is a very personal decision that often transcends statistics. In general, I think it's still accepted that the average mechanical tends to last longer than the average tissue valve. But there have been advancements in tissue technology, and there are pros and cons to each type, depending on personal circumstances and preferences. A lot of factors come into play. If you do a search of the site, you will find numerous discussions of valve choice. As I say, some of those who keep up with the tech advances probably will weigh in here. Again, welcome!
Pem, you're asking smart questions, and I'm guessing that you're already starting to find some answers, searching here and elsewhere. Reops for mech-valve people are hardly ever for valve failure per se. Other things do sometimes need surgery even if the valve is "permanent", or growths (pannus or veg from Endocarditis) can "jam" an intact valve. Those complications are much rarer than a tissue valve reaching its natural demise, so the longer-term re-op comparison is quite asymmetrical, in favor of the mechs. OTOH, the mech-valves' greater thrombogenesis and the bleeding risks from the lifelong ACT that's applied to counter that thrombogenesis, bring risks of mortality and morbidity that are roughly comparable to those of re-ops, at least in patients older than ~60-ish.

The newer studies on tissue valves are showing longer lives, but we naturally only have good stats on valves that have been in use for decades, not today's "third generation" or "state of the art" valves. You haven't mentioned your age, and that's the biggest "independent variable" in determining the likely longevity (or "time to structural deterioration") of a tissue valve. Not only are younger people more likely to live longer than (say) a 15-year tissue valve, but they are also less likely to have a tissue valve last 15 years, for reasons that are only dimly understood. The profession is reasonably convinced that the reason is NOT the greater activity level of younger folk -- as if the valve "wears out" after a given number of beats -- but the dominant "consensus" opinions are vague. Of course, if they were less vague, they would point to effective ways to defeat that mechanism, and we apparently haven't found those yet.

My own well-established valve has been studied by my own well-established cardiac-care team, in an article entitled "Hancock II Bioprosthesis for Aortic Valve Replacement: The Gold Standard of Bioprosthetic Valves Durability?" by Tirone E. David, MD, Susan Armstrong, MS, Manjula Maganti, MS, in Ann Thorac Surg 2010;90:775-781, abstract at . Only the abstract is free online, alas, though I've got a fax copy and have typed some key passages into posts here and there on this site. They say "Gold Standard of Bioprosthetic Valves Durability" because the 10-, 15-, and 20-year durability of this pig valve seems to exceed that of the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount (cow-pericardium) valve in all the age groups reported in the published studies. (Some earlier studies suggested that "cow" valves outlasted "pig" valves. I'm not clear whether that was wrong or whether something important changed, but I find the discussion in this article convincing that it's not true now -- at least for THIS pig valve, installed in THIS center.)

Newer designs may well do even better, but there's no proof yet -- such is the nature of hindsight! E.g., the ATF horse-pericardium valve seems very attractive to me in a number of ways, but I think it hardly has a 5-year record "on the track".

The "market share", esp. in North America, has apparently been shifting rapidly from mech valves toward tissue valves, and the patient age where the inflection point comes has been shifting younger. Whether that primarily reflects the influence of (1) rational thought, (2) irrational patient choices, (3) surgeons' (and institutions') desire for long-term job security, or something else, is a matter of debate here and elsewhere.

Just as the tissue-valve durability studies may not reflect today's state-of-the-art, the best-documented numbers on re-op success and on Warfarin risks, have probably both been overtaken by improving reality. Many centers now do a LOT of re-ops, and their reported results are quite comparable to those (also fast improving) of first-time ops. And improving management of ACT levels -- especially with home INR testing -- has presumably significantly decreased the "twin risks" of thrombosis and bleeding on the mech-valve side.

And then there are the personal values, weights, and preferences that get layered onto the uncertain facts!!

Re: your last question: A-fib is depressingly common after any OHS, certainly including HVR. I haven't heard that it's more common after re-ops, but that doesn't mean it isn't. Post-op Magnesium supplementation decreases the frequency significantly according to one study I've seen, but only from way too high to still too high.

Yesterday I went to my first real cardio rehab session, with hours of "meet the team" talking, as well as a mile of track-walking. The staff cardiologist told us that the approach with serious post-op A-Fib is shifting from "cure it" to "manage it" (mostly with beta-blockers and ACT). E.g., he asked for a show of hands for how many of us (~50?) cardio rehab subjects had gotten cardioversion to cure our A-Fib. Five guys put up their hands. Then he asked "And how many of you had your A-Fib return, after the cardioversion?" and FOUR of those FIVE guys stuck their hands back up! Then he asked the FIFTH guy when he had his cardioversion. "November," he said. "You're still young," the Cardiologist told him!!
Norm of the North! You are the MAN! I've definitely learned more from this 1 posting than any other I read - yet. You have done your homework. My Canadian husband has always said Canucks excell in literacy! Grade 13 and all, he was one of the last for that
Keep on writing!
the literature you're reading is probably old, and based on data that's even older. That being said, I still believe mechanical is the safest bet for staying free of reoperation at this point.
Pem, there's one simple point that maybe nobody's made yet: If you're ASKING the question in terms of re-op rate, rather than life expectancy, quality of life, satisfaction, etc., then you may have already answered your own question. I.e., if trying to avoid a second OHS is your highest personal goal, then the mech valves clearly have the edge in meeting that goal, unless you're pretty old (maybe 70+). That's where the personal preference comes into the equation.

P.S. Thanks for the very kind words, Daiva! But I was primarily educated in the States, so don't give Canada (and especially Grade 13!) the credit. I was reportedly reading at 3 years old, and my folks said I was apparently taught by looking at billboards(!).
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I'm also a BAV with stenosis and I had lots of calcification on my valve. At the time of surgery I was 46 and
decided on a mech valve. The surgery ended up being very hard on me and I have my share of arrhythmias,
so I guess I'm hoping for as many years as I can get that will be free of any re-op. We never know what life
has in store for us, but choose what we think we can live with. Even mech valves can sometimes require
a re-op.

Sorry to hear about the impact of surgery. I am still skittish about OHS because after the comparably trivial procedure of a left and right heart catheterization, I was left with two complications (that don't play well together): a non-occlusive DVT in my femoral vein and pseudoaneurysm in my adjacent femoral artery. The problem is, you have to treat the DVT with ACT but that will reduce the thrombin that is used to force a clot in the pseudoaneurysm. There was a lot of consternation among the physicians trying to balance treatment of those two things.

Needless to say, since I was in that "1% category" that one wishes to avoid for this less complicated procedure, I worry naturally about being in that category for OHS, which would probably be worse :) On the other hand, one can take the perspective that lightning never strikes twice in the same place (unless of course, you are a lightning rod)... Anyway, I try to rise above the self-perpetuating head games and be rational.

Thanks for your reply and I wish you the very best. It sounds like some of the later posts in this thread suggests that you might avoid reop by managing the arrythmias medically.
I'm also a BAV with stenosis and I had lots of calcification on my valve. At the time of surgery I was 46 and
decided on a mech valve. The surgery ended up being very hard on me and I have my share of arrhythmias,
so I guess I'm hoping for as many years as I can get that will be free of any re-op. We never know what life
has in store for us, but choose what we think we can live with. Even mech valves can sometimes require
a re-op.

Sorry to hear about the impact of surgery. I am still skittish about OHS because after the comparably trivial procedure of a left and right heart catheterization, I was left with two complications (that don't play well together): a non-occlusive DVT in my femoral vein and pseudoaneurysm in my adjacent femoral artery. The problem is, you have to treat the DVT with ACT but that will reduce the thrombin that is used to force a clot in the pseudoaneurysm. There was a lot of consternation among the physicians trying to balance treatment of those two things.

Needless to say, since I was in that "1% category" that one wishes to avoid for this less complicated procedure, I worry naturally about being in that category for OHS, which would probably be worse :) On the other hand, one can take the perspective that lightning never strikes twice in the same place (unless of course, you are a lightning rod)... Anyway, I try to rise above the self-perpetuating head games and be rational.

Thanks for your reply and I wish you the very best. It sounds like some of the later posts in this thread suggests that you might avoid reop by managing the arrythmias medically.
I'm also a BAV with stenosis and I had lots of calcification on my valve. At the time of surgery I was 46 and
decided on a mech valve. The surgery ended up being very hard on me and I have my share of arrhythmias,
so I guess I'm hoping for as many years as I can get that will be free of any re-op. We never know what life
has in store for us, but choose what we think we can live with. Even mech valves can sometimes require
a re-op.

Sorry to hear about the impact of surgery. I am still skittish about OHS because after the comparably trivial procedure of a left and right heart catheterization in November, I was left with two complications (that don't play well together): a non-occlusive DVT in my femoral vein and pseudoaneurysm in my adjacent femoral artery. The problem is, you have to treat the DVT with ACT but that will reduce the thrombin that is used to force a clot in the pseudoaneurysm. There was a lot of consternation among the physicians trying to balance treatment of those two things. Fortunately, these have now mostly resolved.

Needless to say, since I was in that "1% category" that one wishes to avoid for this less complicated procedure, I worry naturally about being in that category for OHS, which would probably be worse :) On the other hand, one can take the perspective that lightning never strikes twice in the same place (unless of course, you are a lightning rod)... Anyway, I try to rise above the self-perpetuating head games and be rational.

Thanks for your reply and I wish you the very best. It sounds like some of the later posts in this thread suggests that you might avoid reop by managing the arrythmias medically.
Pem, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you are getting the information that you are seeking and there is a wealth of knowledge here for the future .....

Thanks for the welcome and the great links!

Pem, you're asking smart questions, and I'm guessing that you're already starting to find some answers, searching here and elsewhere. Reops for mech-valve people are hardly ever for valve failure per se. Other things do sometimes need surgery even if the valve is "permanent", or growths (pannus or veg from Endocarditis) can "jam" an intact valve. Those complications are much rarer than a tissue valve reaching its natural demise, so the longer-term re-op comparison is quite asymmetrical, in favor of the mechs. OTOH, the mech-valves' greater thrombogenesis and the bleeding risks from the lifelong ACT that's applied to counter that thrombogenesis, bring risks of mortality and morbidity that are roughly comparable to those of re-ops, at least in patients older than ~60-ish.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply! This position seems consistent with the "party line": that survivability is equivalent for tissue and mechanical valves when you exclude non-valve-related issues and consider both reop risk and ACT risks. However, I recently wrote to a well-respected German surgeon to ask about stentless valves, and in the discussion he mentioned that all things considered, mechanical valves have a survivability advantage over tissue valves. That was the first I had heard anyone suggest that.

This paper seems to provide a nice model for analyzing (in actuarial fashion) the comparative risks (both in terms of morbidity and mortality) of the valve types:

One finding in this paper that seems to favor tissue valves is markedly lower morbidity. Also, something I didn't realize is that when a mechanical valve fails, it is often an emergent situation with significantly higher operative risk than an elective reop for a tissue valve. But since such a situation is so unlikely for a mech valve, the overall risk over time is mitigated.

The newer studies on tissue valves are showing longer lives, but we naturally only have good stats on valves that have been in use for decades, not today's "third generation" or "state of the art" valves. You haven't mentioned your age, and that's the biggest "independent variable" in determining the likely longevity (or "time to structural deterioration") of a tissue valve. Not only are younger people more likely to live longer than (say) a 15-year tissue valve, but they are also less likely to have a tissue valve last 15 years, for reasons that are only dimly understood. The profession is reasonably convinced that the reason is NOT the greater activity level of younger folk -- as if the valve "wears out" after a given number of beats -- but the dominant "consensus" opinions are vague. Of course, if they were less vague, they would point to effective ways to defeat that mechanism, and we apparently haven't found those yet.

Based on what little I know, I agree that tissue valve failure is probably not related to heart rate. Younger people, especially more active people, tend to have a lower heart rate while sedentary (and higher stroke volume), so more active people probably have over the course of years fewer heart beats than inactive or older people. However, active folks might produce (during activity) higher pressure gradients and so forth that result in increased turbulence and calcification. Just speculating of course. You probably know more than I do about this.

My own well-established valve has been studied by my own well-established cardiac-care team, in an article entitled "Hancock II Bioprosthesis for Aortic Valve Replacement: The Gold Standard of Bioprosthetic Valves Durability?" by Tirone E. David, MD, Susan Armstrong, MS, Manjula Maganti, MS, in Ann Thorac Surg 2010;90:775-781, abstract at . Only the abstract is free online, alas, though I've got a fax copy and have typed some key passages into posts here and there on this site. They say "Gold Standard of Bioprosthetic Valves Durability" because the 10-, 15-, and 20-year durability of this pig valve seems to exceed that of the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount (cow-pericardium) valve in all the age groups reported in the published studies. (Some earlier studies suggested that "cow" valves outlasted "pig" valves. I'm not clear whether that was wrong or whether something important changed, but I find the discussion in this article convincing that it's not true now -- at least for THIS pig valve, installed in THIS center.)

I guess you are a celebrity of sorts :)

These findings help me reconcile the fact that everyone else seems to be saying cow valves are better but my local surgeon says it's inconclusive and that he never makes clinical decisions on the basis of pig vs cow. Incidentally, if was surprised to discover that the valves used for percutaneous insertion (valve-in-valve by catheter) tend to be made from equine (horse) tissue.

My local surgeon had allowed me to choose between tissue and mechanical valve but reserves the choice of valve within those categories if I opt for a tissue valve. In other words, he will not permit me to choose the particular tissue valve, he would make that call operatively based on what he sees. I can see the rationale for this, but I wonder if it is common practice. Do most people choose their particular tissue valve or is it chosen for them? I imagine there are aspects of making this decision that are highly idiosyncratic to experience, comfort-level, patient, valve morphology, and subtle differences among tissue valve options that would suggest allowing the surgeon to make that call during the procedure.

Newer designs may well do even better, but there's no proof yet -- such is the nature of hindsight! E.g., the ATF horse-pericardium valve seems very attractive to me in a number of ways, but I think it hardly has a 5-year record "on the track".

The "market share", esp. in North America, has apparently been shifting rapidly from mech valves toward tissue valves, and the patient age where the inflection point comes has been shifting younger. Whether that primarily reflects the influence of (1) rational thought, (2) irrational patient choices, (3) surgeons' (and institutions') desire for long-term job security, or something else, is a matter of debate here and elsewhere.

Just as the tissue-valve durability studies may not reflect today's state-of-the-art, the best-documented numbers on re-op success and on Warfarin risks, have probably both been overtaken by improving reality. Many centers now do a LOT of re-ops, and their reported results are quite comparable to those (also fast improving) of first-time ops. And improving management of ACT levels -- especially with home INR testing -- has presumably significantly decreased the "twin risks" of thrombosis and bleeding on the mech-valve side.

I think I read at least one of the papers from which that notion originated (that reops have the same risk level as first time ops). But at a close reading what I gathered is that the risk is the same after you factor out all non-valve-related comorbities. But the fact remains that people are more likely to have other diseases as they age that could impact surgical risk of reop, so while it may be technically true that the reop risk is equivalent to first time op, I don't think there's practical value in that notion unless you think you are in the subpopulation that is less prone to age-related disease. If one assumes that one is average in their risk for age-related disease, then to me it makes sense to consider that the reop will likely be riskier. On the other hand, knowing this might induce someone with a tissue valve to do more preventive medicine in general with a high rate of return on investment. What do you think on this?

And then there are the personal values, weights, and preferences that get layered onto the uncertain facts!!

Re: your last question: A-fib is depressingly common after any OHS, certainly including HVR. I haven't heard that it's more common after re-ops, but that doesn't mean it isn't. Post-op Magnesium supplementation decreases the frequency significantly according to one study I've seen, but only from way too high to still too high.

Yesterday I went to my first real cardio rehab session, with hours of "meet the team" talking, as well as a mile of track-walking. The staff cardiologist told us that the approach with serious post-op A-Fib is shifting from "cure it" to "manage it" (mostly with beta-blockers and ACT). E.g., he asked for a show of hands for how many of us (~50?) cardio rehab subjects had gotten cardioversion to cure our A-Fib. Five guys put up their hands. Then he asked "And how many of you had your A-Fib return, after the cardioversion?" and FOUR of those FIVE guys stuck their hands back up! Then he asked the FIFTH guy when he had his cardioversion. "November," he said. "You're still young," the Cardiologist told him!!

Well-taken. At least in your informal study the incidence was about 10% compared to the 30% incidence of Afib I read about in a formal study.

Anyway, thanks a lot for all the helpful information. I'm digging hard and fast to learn what I can, but I am humbled and grateful for the experiential wisdom and perseverance of the folks represented on this site. Please let me know if you think I'm way off base with anything or have anything else to add.
Hi, Pem. I'm 46 and went with On-X. I had 14 years to make my choice and early on I wanted the Ross Procedure (I was younger at the time). I went with On-X for these reasons:
1. design appears to have solved the pannus growth issue with Mechnical valves.
2. May offer ACT options besides warfarin in the future.
3. If On-X fails in the future (hopefully not)and I need another replacement, I can go with a tissue valve then.
4. Because I will likely be working 20-25 more years I did not want to have take off from work to recover from another OHS. However, note that the thoughts I hear today are that by then a tissue valve could be replaced via catheter, and probabley have a shorter recover.
5. I predict that within 20 years, they will be able to grow a new valve or even a new heart from our own stem cells. Won't that open up some options!
Hi, Pem. I'm 46 and went with On-X. I had 14 years to make my choice and early on I wanted the Ross Procedure (I was younger at the time). I went with On-X for these reasons:
1. design appears to have solved the pannus growth issue with Mechnical valves.
2. May offer ACT options besides warfarin in the future.
3. If On-X fails in the future (hopefully not)and I need another replacement, I can go with a tissue valve then.
4. Because I will likely be working 20-25 more years I did not want to have take off from work to recover from another OHS. However, note that the thoughts I hear today are that by then a tissue valve could be replaced via catheter, and probabley have a shorter recover.
5. I predict that within 20 years, they will be able to grow a new valve or even a new heart from our own stem cells. Won't that open up some options!

Thanks - this is great feedback. How was your post-op recovery - it looks like this was just a couple months ago! What about Afib or any other arrhythmias?

By the way, I haven't searched the forum for it yet, but I haven't heard anyone mention Pradaxa.

My cardiologist told me this new drug was in clinical trials in Europe for use with mechanical valves. I think it is already approved for other purposes. From what I gather it is equivalent to an oral version of heparin (lovenox), and so it has a short half-life, which makes it much easier to manage dental work, colonoscopy, etc. (quick off and quick on again). I think it still carries the same bleed-out risks, but like heparin, it interacts with nothing. No worries about vit K, antibiotics, etc. So even for those with other mechanical valve, the future of ACT looks brighter. In fact, for both valve types, things appear to only be improving.
the literature you're reading is probably old, and based on data that's even older. That being said, I still believe mechanical is the safest bet for staying free of reoperation at this point.

Thanks, Duff Man, that seems consistent with everything I've read.
Pem, there's one simple point that maybe nobody's made yet: If you're ASKING the question in terms of re-op rate, rather than life expectancy, quality of life, satisfaction, etc., then you may have already answered your own question. I.e., if trying to avoid a second OHS is your highest personal goal, then the mech valves clearly have the edge in meeting that goal, unless you're pretty old (maybe 70+). That's where the personal preference comes into the equation.

Nice observation :)

I'm 41 years old. I would like to minimize reop, but not at the cost of overall survivability. If that doesn't require a compromise, then I have to consider the lifestyle impact of ACT.

I have been on ACT for three months for a DVT complication stemming from my pre-op cath. The worst that happened is that when I got cut using tools (which happened twice - I'm a bit of a klutz), my finger bled slowly for 4 hours instead of 4 minutes. INR seemed stable (2.6) even with a variable diet. So, in general, I'm not too worried about ACT, but I understand 3 months is a short time in the context of low-frequency significant ACT events. I'm hopeful about the prospect of anti-platelet therapy with On-X as well as the advantages of Pradaxa.
At 41, the "overall survivability" edge almost certainly goes to the mech valve, as well as the "re-op avoidance" edge. Your positive attitude toward ACT (and your optimism about future developments) seems to point in the same direction, too.

As long as you don't tell us you're a woman planning to have kids, or a competitive kick-boxer. . .

But I'd still check out the ATS web-site pre-op rather than post-op. I think ATS's claim to a quieter valve is pretty solid. The thrombo stuff is important too, of course, but it isn't 100% clear to me which of the "debate opponents" is right, On-X or ATS.
My thoughts are that the Re-Op risk increases over 60, so there is a greater risk in a tissue at 60 and a re-op at 72. The interesting trend is four younger people to have a tissue valve first to give many Warfarin free years, and then a mechanical.

I still have to discuss valves with a surgeon, I am not worried about ACT, but more concerned about the mechanical noise, but I really do not want to EVER re-enter the waiting room once I leave & at 58 one re-op would be a possiblity. With the current state of the NHS finances I also worry that a re-op might be denied due to lack of cost effectiveness, which is happening to an increasing number of treatments. (I wont bring in politics, but I fear the NHS is seriously threatened by the current government).