Remember to check amox expires date

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I go today at 2:30 p.m. for deep cleaning. Opened my Amox pills and they smelled funny. Looked, expired Jan. 04 :eek: :eek:I knew they were old. First, March 17, 2003..but that would still made them expire after 9 1/2 months...of course, I called and will pick up new ones this morning.. I take 4 500 I'm sure all of you do the same..before cleaning..Bonnie
Hey Bonnie,
Thanks for the reminder, it is so important to check the dates and sometimes we don't think about it.
Take Care
The way to overcome this problem is to schedule more dental appointments before the expiration date! ;)
I go every 3 months

I go every 3 months

But missed the one in March..due to Grandson appendix this is the first one for 6 months. I have pearly whites and NO gum bleeding..but missing a few in back.. :p Granny
Love my Dentist

Love my Dentist

We were chating woman's stuff. and before she began..said Did you premedicate? I said, Yup, 1 hour ago..she said, great..and did such a good cleaning. Only mentioned I have one loose filling. No problem.. Just said, I need to have it redone..No crown, ect...Will put it on my Remember to do list. :) Bonnie
Generally they only write my scrip to accomidate the number of appointments I might have scheduled.

I've never had "old" amoxicillin sitting around in the house.

I have a few other old pills (should probably flush those) but no amox.
My pharmacist said specifically NOT to keep amoxicillin in the refrigerator. I had been keeping it there, as I thought that would be better for it. He said it will last much longer at room temperature, even in a hot summer.
My New Amox script

My New Amox script

QTY 24...Drug expires 6/9/05....May refill 2 times before then.. ONLY red warning..Pay attention..This medicine may decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills. :D :D :D Thank goodness, don't have to worry about that. :p :p :p :p ...................Glad I have case of an emergency to dentist.. :) :) :) Bonnie
My Dr only writes prescription for 4pills so I end up paying my lowest copay- which is $7. I should ask her to write for 8 so it will cover both my dental appt. Something I should think about.
Kathy H
My dentist tried to do that - a prescription for four pills. Then I would have the pleasure of driving to the pharmacy and waiting around every single time I go for a dental appointment. I would also be obliged to pay the highest possible cost per pill (even though they're cheap, Bonny - it's the idea of it). And if we were to forget to do the prescription after an appointment, then there were none to be had for the next appointment.

I read him the riot act. It's not like you can get high on Amoxycillin, or dependent. He doesn't have me on refills yet, but he does prescribe twenty pills now (five visits).


I was did you do that? Like..I have an appointment book. Dentist this Friday(example) I have to call the dentist office and have them call in a script a few days down..All drugstores 30 minutes away...JUST to have them on hand. :eek: :eek: Geez, what if I forgot.. :eek: And looked at appointment book that day.. :eek: Too much hassle in our lives now. .....Question. is Amox good for anything else..sore throat, ect...I would never use them ..If I ever had an infection..would call my PCP...Why are dentist so afraid to give us valvers a lot of them to have on hand? Thank goodness, mine is not. :) Bonnie

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