Remember chat Sunday

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I will be on around 5 p.m. Eastern time..Will check for next few hours. Bonnie
I'm not sure I'll make it...have a car show to attend...and I have a few other things I need to deal with....

Speaking of which, my cardiologist checkup appt last Thursday garnered some good and bad news...2 out of 3 bits of news are not good :(. I'll try to post more about that tomorrow (Sunday) or early next week.... I'm still absorbing the news myself :(.

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB:
MC's Future:
My MC Family:
Spotting MCs:
I don't think I will make it

I don't think I will make it

but maybe next week.
Spending the day with the grandkids(again) I will use any excuse to spend time with them LOL.

knightfan, I hope after you digest it that is isn't as bad as it seems.

If I don't post again before surgery(I hope it's still a go! I had to call the Dr. beacuse a major cough:( :( :( :( :( ). I want to thank all of you for all the info, support, kind words, ect ect ect.
I am not very eloquent in my posts but I really appreciate all of you and this site!! Thank you all and God bless.

Not this week either

Not this week either

We'll be in the air on our way back to Minnesota while you guys are chattin. I would like to be able to chat at other times during the week, perhaps we could just list some times we'd be likely to be on, and maybe we could catch each other once in a while.

Cort, I hope your news isn't too bad, I won't be able to get back to a computer for a couple of days, but maybe you can catch me on yahoo then, if you want to talk.
I'll try to be there. I have a lot to try and get done today. Planting ferns, making fish baked in corn husk!, getting laundry done. Usual weekend stuff!

Maybe I can find the right Chatroom for a change instead of YELLING HELP!:D
Thanks,'re right, after absorbing it for a few isn't as bad as it seems....still.... Well, I'll post sometime soon all about it.....

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