Relationship between AF and heart attacks?

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I've got chronic Atrial Fibrillation and a question...

Is there a connection between AF and heart attacks? Seems to me that heart attacks, at least one form of them, is a form of fibrillation - i.e. your heart just goes into tetanus, spasms, and doesn't pump. (the other kind being when a part of the heart loses its supply of blood)

So can anyone clarify this for me, and how much did I get completely wrong?
Barry said:
I've got chronic Atrial Fibrillation and a question...

Is there a connection between AF and heart attacks? Seems to me that heart attacks, at least one form of them, is a form of fibrillation - i.e. your heart just goes into tetanus, spasms, and doesn't pump. (the other kind being when a part of the heart loses its supply of blood)

So can anyone clarify this for me, and how much did I get completely wrong?

I have chronic AF also. I don't think I'm a candidate for heart attacks because I've had Heart Catherdizations four years ago and again last month and both found no blockages. So, from my perspective, AF and heart attacks are not complimentary, i.e. If I have AF I'm more likely to have a heart attack, NOT. They may work the other way, i.e. If you have blockage you are more likely to have a heart attack. AF may increase the likelyhood of a heart attack if you have blockage, but I can't answer that.
Joe had afib for a long, long time. He couldn't take most of the meds that are used to help it out. A couple of years ago, his heart converted back to NSR, and has stayed that way (knock wood). The only thing that I can imagine that helped him was the Tracleer which greatly minimized his pulmonary hypertension, and keeping his CHF under VERY strict control. Other than that I wouldn't have a clue, since his heart is definitely compromised from many things. He's never had a heart attack. He's never had conversion.

I seem to remember that there was an article about afib and heart attacks recently, but I'm not really sure. If I come across it, I'll post it. Guess I was wrong, I couldn't find anything recent or even old.

Afib can really sap your strength.
The only danger my cardio says there is from A-fib is clotting and the coumadin solves that one. If there are no blockages and the heart is pumping fine (even tho erratic), there should be no attacks.

Nancy, I am encouraged by the story that Joe just suddenly converted on his own. Maybe there is help for me yet. I refuse to take the really strong meds for A-fib so am counting on the coumadin to keep me out of trouble. You are right, tho, it can really sap your strength sometimes.