Thanks so much for all the replies, this site has truly been a massive support for me and my fiance. I typed out the above post for him, as hes still not up to reading to much or going online.
We were told about the liver damage by the woman employed at the hospital to give you the info on how to take the drug and what it does. She said when taken in the long term it has shown to cause liver damage.
It is really nice to hear that so many of you have been on it for 20 years or more and feel fine. My fiance is only 33 and when he asked her how long he can expect to live on it, she said " oh you should have another 28 years or so" as though that was good news! he said he would like to live for longer than 28 years, have grandkids etc, and she just didn't know what to say, and just stumbled along saying that he should be fine and changed the subject.
Hence why we have been quite concerned and trying to find out as much as we can about the effects of the drug and how we can reduce them.
Re the fish oil, we have looked in to a few alternative cardiologists that use fish oil to reduce coumudin intake. Though for mechanical valves I do feel it would be risky to stop the drug all together.
I honestly believe that "if" there was a natural alternative to coumudin we wouldn't know about it, as the pharma industry is all about patents and profit, and it cant be done with something like fish oil (just as an example)
Thanks again for the responses, its really appreciated!