red spots on legs

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Just recently I have been getting little red spots on my legs. Looks like measles. Anybody else have this? Hope it isn'y heart/valve related.
It doesn't hurt or itch or anything else. Never had it before, was out all morning in shorts for first time, maybe some kind of reaction with the sun.
They're petechiae, most likely. Some of us get them when our INR's high; a few get them apparently b/c of warfarin. I've noticed a few when my inr gets pretty high.
Hi Randy:

Try googling "petechiae" (there are quite a few image hits too) and see if this sounds like what you've got.
PJmomrunner said:
Hey Georgia! Great minds and all that, huh?
Add me to your great mind club; I thought petechiae when I read the title. :p Blame it on Rain;) . . .her's was the first description of it that I remember reading about.
sure sounds like it. some of those pictures are pretty bad.If I have it I hope my leg doesn't end up looking like that.I still think it has something to do with the sun tho, the only place I got it was in direct contact with the sun. Maybe I will bare another area tomorrow and see if the red spots appear there.
Petechiae? You guys are the greatest! I'd never ever heard of that condition. I have a sprinkling of those tiny red dots on my chest, on both sides of my OHS zipper. Wondered what was going on; was halfway afraid to ask. :D Anyway, I see from med-web sites that a variety of medications can cause it, along with (ack!) "aging skin." :eek:
red dots

red dots

I get this real bad when I shave my legs. I even got it when I used the bladeless shaving stuff they have in the stores. It goes away after a couple days. No itching or any other stuff. just the red dots.
Red Dots

Red Dots

Well, my pt # never had anything with my red dots. I have had inr of 29.9 and didn't have the first red dots. I fell and hurt my foot and almost it. The er Dr. didn't have a clue what to do. I have a great ulgy place on my foot from the whole thing. It got that high from starting and stopping new drug.
The spots went away just as fast as they appeared. You guys know your stuff.