Recovery Time???

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
Hello Everyone,

As you most likely know my date is 2/21/06 for AVR. I asked my cardio
how long before I could return to work and he said three weeks if all goes well.
This sounds like a pipe dream. If it is three after a week in the hospital then that would be four, but still:confused: :confused: that seems very quick.

I am in sales with no/very little required physically.

All info will be appriciated.

Better you should ask your surgeon. Pipe dream is right. Initially my surgeon said 8 weeks; cardio extended that to 12 (I also worked at an office). At three weeks you'll still be having trouble following the plot on "Gilligan."
I think 3 weeks is really pushing it. Some have returned after 4 weeks but usually mention it is too soon. I was out for 6 weeks with my last OHS but I only returned part-time even then. It was almost 12 weeks before I was back full-time (however, that was my 3rd OHS).
I would push for longer (providing you have the disability to cover it). 3-4 weeks post-op you will still most likely have a lot a symptoms that would make you a pretty ineffective worker. Sleeplessness, severe localized pain, and inability to concentrate are three that come to mind. Furthermore, if you have to climb stairs at your workplace with any regularity you can plan on being totally spent by about 10AM. My surgeon said that ten weeks was about the right time, but also said that if I needed to go back sooner for financial reasons he would sign off on whatever timeframe worked best for me.
I totally agree with the other responses.
I would like to add that it takes an average of ten weeks for your chest to fully heal.
It can be pretty uncomfortable until that happens.
I was told three months. Then the cardiologist wanted me to wait until I had my kidney stones operated on so I made arrangments only to find that they had gone already, that made it just over four months from surgery before I was signed off to go back to work. I still haven't gone back and it is now 7 and half months, but that is because I am jobless.
We are all different, so recovery time differs from one person to another. I went to work at 7 weeks post op, into an office environment. I really could have done it a week, maybe two, earlier, but no earlier than that. Up to the three month period I would be tired at the end of the week, then I got better.
4 weeks

4 weeks

My surgeon said if I had an office job, that it was possible to go back in four weeks. One of my friends husband had 6 way bypass and he went back to work in four weeks. He had the same surgeon. But it all depends on how quickly you can heal, everyone is different.
Three weeks seems to be pushing it. More than likely you will still tire very easily. I went back to work at 6 weeks. I know I could not have done it in 3. As others have stated, we are all different but your body still needs time to heal and adjust to the trauma.

Short-term disability regularly covers six to eight weeks for valve surgery without a peep. They don't pay more than they have to, so that's a fair time period. Don't let a smartmouthed doctor who's never had OHS himself cheat you of time your body needs.

I took six weeks, then came back half days for a week to get back into the swing of it. I'm glad I took it, because you forget how much work takes out of you.

Best wishes,
I returned to work full time 4 weeks after surgery. I felt that by week 3, I was ready to return to work and I was so bored staying home. I work in an office all day, so there is not much physical activity involved. I am fairly young and I readily aknowledge that my experience is not typical. Everyone heals at there own pace and complications can and do set the time table back.
how much say do we have?

how much say do we have?

I am looking at AVR in March, and I have up to 12 weeks paid leave from work. I want to take as much time as I need to heal...also keeping in mind that sitting at home might drive me crazy after a certain point!

I have a very long and physically demanding commute (several LONG staircases, walking through a field and in city traffic, at least 80 minutes each way combined with train time) so I would be hesitant to do the half-day arrangement since the worst part of my day is getting there and back.

I work in a lab/office combination and would be able to be put on desk duty so I can't use physical limitations as an excuse. However, there is only so much "desk work" I can do, as my main function where I work is to be in the lab doing mildly demanding tasks (much use of my arms for repetitive motions, some lifting, etc.)

In the experience of those who have been through this, how flexible do you feel that the surgeon/cardiologist is in signing off on medical leave? How much is your own judgment of your progress factored in?

Thanks for your input!
My cardio was very supportive. I think they're used to people trying to get back too soon rather than taking more time. Explain all of this to him/her and I'm sure you two will work it out. 12 weeks will give you plenty of time for cardiac rehab and walking distances, etc.
You have to balance alot of things when deciding when to return to work. How will you get there ? Is your place of business near to your home? What is your pain level? How will you complete your cardiac rehab when you return to work? Is your job mentally stressful? How will you deal with the fatigue that comes with surgery? What about driving? THere are so many things to consider, not the least of which is your own comfort level.

My guy wanted to return to work early because he loved his job, and, frankly, his job loved him most of the time....but, the stress was too much, as was assessed by the doctor. His surgery (mitral) was done on 10/19 and he returned to work 6+weeks later. He was bored at home, but for him, 6 weeks was too soon for full time.

I do think that 3 weeks is quite early. If you can take longer, please consider that.
