Just curious if anyone knows of a website that shows what people look like when they first come out of surgery? I keep hearing that Jeff will look pretty scary when I first see him because of his pale skin tones, wires etc. I am trying to prepare for it but I dont' really know what to expect. I was told that there was a video that the hospital would show us to help prepare for it. Well I saw the video yesturday and it was pretty much worthless. It wasn't an actual patient in the video, just an actor going through the motions (breathing, sleep positions etc). That is great and all but I still dont' really know what to expect as far as how pale he will look. I am easily freaked out so if I can see an actual picture that shows just how pale someone looks I think it will help.
Is there such a place to see something like this or am I just out of luck on this one?
Is there such a place to see something like this or am I just out of luck on this one?