recliners come apart, did you know?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I bought my first laz-y-boy many years ago. To my surprise, it came in two pieces. The back comes off, making it easier to transport or move from one place to another in your home. In the back of the chair, hidden behind the arms (between the seat part and the back), if you feel around in there you can find a small lock on each side. If you pull back on them, it releases the entire back of the chair. The back slides up and out. Then you will have less weight and size to move. Over the years I have bought other types of recliners and they are the same as the laz-y-boy.

The post about carrying the chair up the stairs brought this to mind. Don't believe we have discussed this feature in VR before.
My wife bought a loveseat double recliner from a friend and it almost killed me and my brother-in-law getting it into the living room. It kept wanting to unfold and we finally had to strap it down with cords.

About a year later the framing started coming apart and my wife called Lazy-Boy and they sent someone out to look at it. It needed repair at the shop. I began making larger paths to the rear door when I looked back and saw the two men carrying the bottom half like it was made of air. It quickly went into the back of their truck and they came back and got the two backs. What about that. They said all Lazy-Boys are made so the back can be removed. It makes it easier to get into the smaller apartment and trailer doors. NOW THEY TELL ME!!!!!!

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