reason for my vent and EP appt update

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
Is there a catagory for venting????? I am so upset right now with what I found out today about my old EP doctor. It is almost 2am and I can't fall asleep. I have been crying for 2 hours. I am ready to call a lawyer.
Hi Laura,

Usually we use the Small Talk forum for venting (or just about anything else that is not politics or religion). Just keep in mind that there are not many people on line this time of night. Even I, who rarely sleep, am heading off to try a little shut eye.

Hope things get better for you. Post your frustrations and then throw a couple heavy objects - that always makes me feel better. ;):D;)
Vent away, normally at least 1 person is here no matter what time of the day or night. 4:45 right now & I have been up for a little while, all these drugs are making me a bit dizzy & I keep going thru periods of sweating then cold.

Let us know what's troubling yourself.

I hated that. It will go on for a week or two, then disappear.
laurad37- Now take a deep breath. I know that there are lots of people out there who are able and willing to offer advice and support. The problem is, that you are upset, and we have little idea about what is upsetting you.

When you feel ready, share what you are comfortable with sharing, and I am sure that many of us will be around to help you!
reason for my vent and EP appt update

Yesterday I had my appt w/ my new EP doctor and I am so comfortable with him. Did a lot of checking before hand on info about him. My last EP doc we never really felt comfortable with. When all of this heart valve stuff came to a head in January, I got all my reports from the (old) EP doctor. There were some things that didn?t really make sense about the reports. That?s when we really started asking ourselves about the reputation of this doctor.

A little background. I have had two open heart surgeries and plenty of heart caths done up until I was 6 years old. My right femoral vein is blocked off and unable to get any size cath up there. When I was in the hospital 3 years ago with the rapid heartbeat this EP doc did a EP study and at that time I told the doctors involved about the occlusion in my femoral vein. During that stay is when the put in the ICD.

So anyway we now have the paperwork and reports from my 11 days spent in the hospital at that time. The cardiac cath was done on 4/28/06 and said they could get thru the right femoral vein to do the right side heart cath. On 5/2/06 an venous ultrasound was done to find out why they couldn?t get thru the femoral vein. That showed that the right femoral vein was completely blocked. BUT on 5/3/06 this EP doctor claims he did an EP study and went thru the femoral vein. We didn?t know at that time he went through that vein because he told us he couldn?t do an ablation because of the occlusion in that vein and that he could go thru the neck but needed ?special tools? for that and they were never used before. I thought that was a little weird. But trusted him because I was sure this guy knew more about this stuff than I did. There was also an Echo done, chest xray and ECG done at that time. All three showed ?severe enlargement of the right ventricle and right Atria. Nobody ever told us about this.

Keep in mind I knew of any of these results until recently. The new EP doc read through them and was so frustrated yesterday and said ?these contradictory reports frustrate me; I can only image how you feel.? He said that the EP study report done in 2006 is impossible due to my body?s anatomy. Also the 2006 report states that ?this is not a normal VT and is probably caused by an underlying issue?.

I can?t believe this is happening. I can?t believe that nobody told me that my heart was severely enlarged back then. I can?t believe that a doctor would falsify a report.
What should I do??? I am ready to call and attorney.
I'm saddened to read about your awful experience. I won't give you advise on calling an attorney or not, but the very least you could do is file a complaint against the doctor with your state's medical licensing board. Hopefully not too much additional damage has been done to your heart and your new EP will be able to help you. God Bless You..
It would be impossible for your femoral artery to be completely blocked and you still have that leg! There would be no blood flow to keep the leg alive, resulting in amputation at the hip or point of occlussion.

If this earler report has had an impact on your over all health, then I would say yes to consulting an attorney. Should you decide to move forward legally, let me know so I can delete this thread. You don't want anything to hinder your case.
Prior to my valve replacement I had extremely substandard care from 2 doctors in particular. One was definitely worth suing (and I was told by a friend that was a lawyer, that I'd probably win his malpractice was so blatant.) I felt my family as well as myself had been extremely violated by the lack of care this doctor showed me while making it seem like he was doing well by me. I was mad beyond mad. My advice to you is to take care of yourself now. See to your health and getting better. And then address this doctor, should you still feel the need.

Right now the information is new and raw. I understand crying for hours about it. I've been there. But I also came perilously close to letting my anger over the issue make me more sick.

Here's a suggestion that you can take or leave. When you are ready, find some sort of symbol for this doctor that you can place in a box (maybe copies of the report), box it up and put it away in a drawer, or a closet and tell yourself that you will deal with it when you are able to handle it without hurting yourself or your happiness.

Best wishes. (And vent here any time!)
Laura, I think talking to a lawyer is a good idea. I am really glad you "vented" here. This place is for sharing the good and bad, and your troubles may well save someone else. I really don't trust any of the docs to not make mistakes. If you find someone competent, like my PC, that is a blessing, but there are so many who appear to not even care. Glad you have a new doc. Channel your anger into getting better treatment/testing, and do consider legal action. For many, it is the only thing they understand. Brian
Laura-based on my understanding of your information I think you have good reason to see a lawyer. There is a limited time within which you are allowed to make a claim. That time has probably already started. You most likely don't know how long you have to make a claim, and probably don't know when when your time to make a claim commenced. You also probably don't have anyway of knowing what effect this may have on you for the future.

I think there are many questions that are important to your future that you can't answer right now. A good lawyer can help answer some of them, and can be sure your time to make a claim doesn't expire without your knowledge.

Claims arising out of medical negligence or fraud require a specialized expertise. I would advise you get a referral to a specialist. Get it on his/her desk. Hopefully when you have done that, you can concentrate your attention on yourself and your health/recovery. But I think it would be a mistake to put this on the back burner before you take the steps to protect yourself.
It would be impossible for your femoral artery to be completely blocked and you still have that leg! There would be no blood flow to keep the leg alive, resulting in amputation at the hip or point of occlussion.

If this earler report has had an impact on your over all health, then I would say yes to consulting an attorney. Should you decide to move forward legally, let me know so I can delete this thread. You don't want anything to hinder your case.

My femeral vein branches into a ton of smaller veins instead of going straight up like a "normal" femeral vein"
My femeral vein branches into a ton of smaller veins instead of going straight up like a "normal" femeral vein"

I would love to see an angiogram of that leg. I'm not saying that as though I'm doubting you, but I would find it highly interesting.
It is called Occlusion of the Femoral Vein

Yes dear, but I'd still love to see the vein mappings. :) I think that stuff is so cool. They did that for my sons foot because they weren't sure there was a blood supply there to support a skin graft. They are very interesting.
Laura, sorry to read of this trouble you are having. it is so difficult to deal with incompetent doctors. we had a very bad experience with one of my sons when he was a newborn, and it nearly cost him his life. i hope you can sort things out quickly.
I am sorry to hear about all this and wish you the best of luck. I would suggest that if you are thinking about a lawyer do it. I don't know much but there are time limits for most lawsuits so that is something to keep in mind. Good luck with it all and be happy that you are happy with the new doctor.