Really low BP...???

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

Just a quick post before I run off to work:

Last night my heart was doing the floppy-fish thing. It usually does that at night when I'm spent from the day, etc., etc. OK, so my blood pressure tends to run a little low: 90/56 is pretty normal for me. But last night around 8 I was just feeling OFF, all lightheaded and crappy. I took my BP. Heart rate was normal, about 65, but my BP was 80/48. No wonder! So, anyway, Mike (the Hubster) freaks out like he normally does with anything heart-related with me, and he says, "We're going to the hospital." I say, "Yeah, OK, so I can sit in the ER for 7 hours until they tell me I'm OK. No thanks." Then he says, "Well I'm calling your cardiologist." OK, yeah, bother him with something so trivial as this. This same thing happened about 2 years ago, and when my cardio called back, he said to Mike just to get some fluid and salt in me.

Anyway...Mike calls Dr. V's exchange, and the operator, as usual, says that Dr. V will call back within the hour.

No phone call back. At all.

Now usually, even for something as stupid at this, Dr. V will at least call back and say some soothing, wise Greek thing to smooth things over, "Nothing to worry about, just get some fluid, etc...."

I figure Dr. V was on an emergency in the hospital, or maybe he wasn't on call last night. Or, maybe he didn't call b/c he thought Mike's concern was stupid and not worth calling back about.


Anyway, I see him next week about my Holter results/ABI test result fun fest. I gave my husband a visit with the toilet, literally, b/c he was so worried. He'll have a heart attack before I ever will. And that worries ME.

Well...better get my behind in gear and get to work.

But...anyone else get a really low BP with lightheadedness? I just felt like passing out on the floor. FWIW, my sodium intake is just fine, and I drink water like a fish.

Down that low, you should follow hubby's advice. You could have some bleeding going on that you don't know about. I ended up in ICU for a couple days. Don't wait for it to get to that.
Agree with Ross. That is way too low. ER sounds like a good idea when it gets to that point. People who have had major health problems for a long, long time, tend to pooh-pooh going to the ER for something they think is similar to what happened to them in the past, and they survived then and probably will again. I saw that with my husband time and time again. He was quite resistant to getting his bod to the ER. I don't blame him, it is a total pain to have to sit and wait and wait.

But that is faulty thinking. This time it could be different, you never know. So it is best to err on the side of caution.
Not only the possible bleeding issue, but even without that, if your BP is that low you could pass out and hit your head. If you are on blood pressure medication, or beta blockers, those might need to be adjusted. Hail yes, this is worth speaking to your doctor about.

Your post motivated me to take my own bp. It is 92/60. That's pretty normal for me because the docs finally explained to me that all these meds I take are supposed to keep my BP low. Something about protecting the heart device.

But 80/48 does sound a tad low, and yes could make you light-headed. So I would get an answer from the docs -- maybe your dosages needed to be adjusted.

Ain't better living through chemistry groovy? :p Best wishes to you and your panic-stricken hubby. :D
From your profile I see that you are taking Toprol XL which will lower BP.
Maybe you need to reduce your dose. CALL whichever Doctor put you on Toprol to discuss your symptoms (BP and tiredness at the end of the day and "floppy fish" feeling in your chest.

'AL Capshaw'
From your profile I see that you are taking Toprol XL which will lower BP.
Maybe you need to reduce your dose. CALL whichever Doctor put you on Toprol to discuss your symptoms (BP and tiredness at the end of the day and "floppy fish" feeling in your chest.

'AL Capshaw'

Hi, everyone--
Thanks for your replies! Actually, Al, I am on Multaq now (haven't changed my profile in a while) 400 mg x2 daily, plus an 81 mg aspirin daily. I think the Multaq is the source of the low BP.

I WILL listen to the Hubster in the future and get my butt to the ER if my BP gets that low. Maybe the aspirin is causing a small bleed? But I do see Doc next week, so we'll see!

Debi :)
I'm in a somewhat similar position, Debi. I've been experiencing very low blood pressure and low pulse rate which have left me dragging through the later part of the day. Sometimes it is necessary to make repeated calls to the Cardio's office as was the case for me this weeks. The result was that he reduced the metoprolol dosage by half. Now, a few days later, my blood pressure and pulse rate have risen and I'm feeling somewhat more energetic. I am still not feeling the energy that I was experiencing shortly after surgery but it is better. You are taking the extended release form of the same drug so Al is probably spot on when he suggest discussing a reduction in the Toprol XL dosage.

Sorry about the first part, I just saw your latest update. Still, I think you are correct to suspect the most recent drug you've been prescribed.

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It's your life, so I suppose you can do as you want, but my stubborness darn near killed me. If light starts to bother you, your in danger. Don't wait a week if that is the case, go now.
Thanks, Ross!

I'm feeling better today, and the light thing is no problem. However, I am dragging the Hubster along to my cardio appt. next week--he hasn't been with me to see the cardio in years, so I think it's due time for him to hear from my doctor himself just what's going on with me, which as we all know, is all kinds of weirdness. ;)

I checked my BP just now... "normal" at 98/58. If I start feeling this way again any time soon, you can be sure I'm heading to the ER! I promise!!! :D
Hi Debster,

Sorry you had a scare. Sounds like the hubster takes good care of you. :)

Just a quick thought, are you sure you're not hypothyroid? That hateful "flopping fish" feeling is what I get when my T3/T4 levels are too low. When they are good, the rhythm is pretty decent. Just a thought, anyway. Hope it goes well for you at the cardio next week.

Best Regards,