REALLY grumpy ... handbag stolen with iphone4, keys etc

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Having a special day with my little girl at a shopping centre. Went to the movies, bought a teddy bear, about to have a naughty meal of chicken strips and chips. I realised they hadn't given me the chips so walked about a metre to ask for them. My 8yo was sitting at the table watching me and, without me realising it, stood up and walked up to me then sat down again. She was away from the table for maybe 45 seconds.
When I sat down again and went to put my wallet back in my bag ... er ... no bag. So no iphone, no car or house keys, no prescription glasses, no make-up bag, no filled prescription. Security camera footage shows a woman walking past and casually picking it up and hurrying away. Reported to police but what minimal chances of recovery. Very lucky I had my wallet with me. I know there has been theft since the year dot, but it's so rotten and cruel and immoral. Just because some people are too lazy or addicted to bother working to earn money.
My friend who picked us up (because I couldn't get into car and my driving glasses were gone anyway) reminded me it wasn't the worst thing in the world. And she's right. But it's BLOODY ANNOYING!
Thanks for listening!
Sorry to read that you had that happen. It is fortunate that you had your billfold with you. I've had that stolen before and it takes alot of work to thwart identity theft once someone has personal identification and credit cards.
Losing the glasses would have been the worst for me. I hope you change the door locks.
How is your daughter dealing with it?
Hey little sister

That B_ _ch! My heart goes out to you. Just what you needed Eh? #1 protect your identity. #2 protect your credit. Contact your bank and police and enroll in ID and credit protection programs. These programs have about a 5 year life.

If you purchased any stolen items with a major credit card, contact the agency. I know in Canada if you buy something on VISA, theft or breakage is covered, albeit for a certain time frame from the date of purchase.

If their is any warranty on the iphone, contact MAC and plead your case, you never know?!

Don't worry about the lost makeup, your beautiful creative mind and soul will outshine superficial face paint. He-He!

Good luck
It's really disheartening when this happens. Hopefully the cleaning staff may find what's left of your purse in the ladies washroom trash - as I understand it that's the first place 'they' go.
Another thing you could do is to phone your Iphone, leave a message saying that you have GPS on your phone and know exactly where you are, make arrangements for an exchange and you will not press charges.
Although it's a lie you'd be surprised how often it works.

Good luck, take a deep and your daughter are safe and you have your wallet.
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ALLISONONOZ what a terrible thing this is.Happened to my wife not log ago.My wife gave a stranger (woman) a ride because it was miserable weather and she felt sorry for the woman.When the woman got out of the car she distracted my wife and swiped her purse .My wife never knew until she got home and went to get the purse and it was gone.We called all credit card companies etc.About a week later i got my visa statement and there was a $60 pizza charge on it.I called Visa and the charge was removed and charged to the company that sold the pizza for not getting proper ID from the lady who stole my wifes card.Three weeks later we get a call from THE BAY department store and they ask for my wife Sharon.They ask is this Sharon we are speaking to and my wife says yes.They then say that the lady trying to purchase $700 some dollars worth of clothing must not be my wife.Police were called and we met them at the store.The lady was arrested and taken to the police station.We never did get any cards or the purse back because when the woman was released she overdosed on drugs.

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