Ready for AVR - Sept. 11, 2007

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
Florida, USA
Well the day has come. I?m scheduled for AVR on Sept. 11; should be an easy anniversary date to remember. This great site has been very helpful in preparing me for all the decisions for the big day, so I thought I?d post my story as it may give some insight to others needing AVR.
First a little background. In 2000 I was diagnosed with aortic insufficiency at 37 years old. The cardio told be it would be about 5 years until I?d needed AVR. Two years later he told me I needed surgery and performed a cath and sent me to a surgeon. I was still very active with cycling and running, and feeling fine. So I went to another cardio for a second opinion before signing up for the surgery. He performed more testing including a nuclear stress test. He told me I was not in need of AVR at that time which was great as I did not feel like it was time yet either.
I continued seeing the second cardio for the next five years; having a nuclear stress test once a year and echos. Each yearly test showed slight increases in left ventricle volume and decreases in ejection fraction. In 2006 he told me it was getting close and to start getting ready; and in July of this year we set the wheels in motion. A cath was done and I went off to visit two surgeons. I have 3+ aortic insufficiency with moderate aortic stenosis.

Prior to seeing the surgeons I got on the net and began researching AVR and valve types and came upon this great site.
First was the type of valve to choose. I went back and forth on tissue or mechanical for a week or two. I was leaning toward a tissue valve at first but as time went by it became obvious that a mechanical would be best for me.
Reasons: 1) I did not want to have the prospect of a second surgery hanging over me for the next 15 years (plus or minus). The last seven years went by pretty fast. Hopefully the mechanical will be one and done. 2) A good support system is very helpful in getting through the surgery and recovery; I have that now but maybe/maybe not in 15 years. 3) I?m not too worried about the coumadin as I think I?ll be able to handle the daily routine and blood monitoring; but time will tell. 4) Even with a tissue valve there is a chance that coumadin may be required for life.
Next I needed to find the right valve. I came upon the ON-X name in this website and began researching that model. All the literature and medical research articles I read looked good. So, I went to the surgeons knowing the ON-X was my first choice, although I?d still be open to any suggestions they had. One of the surgeons I saw works out of Florida Hospital in Orlando. He suggested a mechanical valve which I agreed with and then began telling me about a newer valve they are using and its benefits. I knew he was talking about the ON-X before he told me the name. So, that was that on the valve decision. He also suggested doing a minimally invasive procedure which is what I had hoped for going in. The sternum is opened from the top, down to a point between the 2nd and 3rd rib, then short horizontal cuts are made to each side. So, the surgeon visit was easy and relatively stress free. Coming out of the visit I felt pretty much ready to go. Going in with knowledge of what?s going on is extremely helpful. That?s where this great site helps so much.
Also, it turns out that Florida Hospital is one of the research sites for the ON-X valve low anticoagulation therapy study. I was contacted by the on-site coordinator and asked if I wanted to be involved, probably in the Plavix + aspirin group or the low INR group since I am considered low risk. We had a meeting and I gave them a preliminary yes. Basically I would be in the study for 5 years and home test my blood once per month and sent in the number. After 5 years my results would be sent to the FDA for review and I would go back on the standard coumadin routine. The FDA ruling on the acceptability of using plavix+aspirin or low dose coumadin with the on-x valve would come out sometime later. I read somewhere it would be in the 2015 timeframe. Have not fully decided yet if I will participate or not. The study would start 3 months after surgery as I will be on full coumadin for the first 3 months as is recommended for everyone after AVR . So, that gives me time to sort out some questions and talk with my cardiologist.

Anyway that?s my story. I?m feeling eager to get the surgery done; almost looking forward to it in a strange way. The best thing is that I know going in what to expect before, during and after surgery. Thanks to everyone who has gone before and posted such helpful information and opinions to this site.
You've done your homework and well prepared. Congrats.

If you've kept up on your biking and workouts, this will be a breeze for you. You will be amazed at how fast you recovery and how little pain you have.

I had some complications and spent an extra 5 days in the local hospital after getting home from Shands at UF, so my real recovery didn't start until 2 weeks after surgery. 4 weeks after that, they let me go to the gym and start doing light workouts. 2 weeks later, which was 8 weeks from surgery, but really only 6 weeks after I started serious walking, recovery stuff, etc., I was back on the bike. That was yesterday-I did about 7.5 miles in about 33 minutes. Today I went about 9.5 in 39 minutes.

You'll be doing the same!

When I got home for good, I put a calendar on my wall and started counting days. I marked 4 weeks for driving, 6 weeks for going to the gym and 8 weeks for being able to ride. Every day, I crossed off another day on the calendar. It went really, really fast because I was looking forward to something!

Good luck! Set your personal goals and go get em!

Welcome Isis and I will put you on the calendar for September 11th. You've obviously done your homework and I'm sure this will all go well for you. Wishing you the best,
Welcome and best wishes with your surgery. I'm sure you'll do just fine. You get a big gold star for doing all your homework too!

If you need any help with warfarin (Coumadin) management, keep bookmarked and I'd recommend ordering his dosing chart.

You may also want to start looking into the possibility of home testing.
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Welcome Isis!

If you're in good physical shape as you approach surgery, you'll probably recover quickly.

It sounds like you're prepared and have a great deal of confidence in your surgeon. Nicely done!

We'll look forward to hearing from you when you shift int recovery & rehab mode.

Thanks for the support everyone. I'm ready to go, almost wish it was this week.;)
Robhol, Phyllis, Karlynn, Philip B - Thanks for the kind words and encouragement.

67walkon - I took my last bike ride yesterday, just an easy 20 mile spin. Kind of like the last ride a few days before a century. Thought I'd ease back for the final week. Good luck with your AVR and maze recovery. Don't know what a maze procedure is, but I'll read up on it.

Karlynn - Way ahead of ya' on the dosing chart. I ordered one a few weeks ago. Looks so easy even a caveman could do it :D . Hope I respond well to the coumadin and quickly lock into my range. I'll definitely go to home testing as soon as I'm allowed.

New_onx_34 - Best of luck with your on-x AVR on 9/10 from a fellow engineer. Looks like we'll be one day apart on the road to recovery sporting new on-x's. Leave me a trail of breadcrumbs to follow. We'll see in about 3 months if either of us go on the on-x low dose ACT trial. I've been on plavix for 4 years now and have had zero problems. I never bruised before I started the plavix and I have not had any bruises after I started; even though I've had quite a few mt. bike crashes. At most I may bleed a few seconds longer, but I'm not even sure about that.

Best of luck to everyone,
Isis :cool:


Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'

Best wishes as you prepare for your OHS. I had a wonderful experience in Florida Hospital back in February -- their staff could not have been nicer, more compassionate or more competent.

I'd be interested in who your surgeon will be. If you have time during this important period of preparation, send me a PM. Likewise, if I can answer any questions, send them my way in a PM.

I'll be sending positive vibes your way for next Tuesday.