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Found the following among some of the things my grandmother (died October 28, 2002) saved in scrapbooks, thought some of ya'll might get a kick out of it :).

The Ford is my car.
I shall not want another;
It maketh me to lie down in wet places.
It soileth my soul.
It leadeth me into deep waters.
It leadeth me in the paths of ridicule for its namesake.
It prepareth a breakdown for me in the presence of mine enemies.
Yeah, tho it run through the valleys,
It is towed up the hills.
I fear great evil when it is with me.
It anointeth my face with oil.
Its tank runneth over.
Surely to goodness if this thing follows me all the days of my life.
I shall dwell in the Bughouse forever.

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB:
MC's Future:
My MC Family:
Spotting MCs:
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust, if it weren't for Fords my tools would rust. :)

My sons Mustang just blew a head gasket Thursday. I think I'll have to send him your little diddy. :D
My personal opinoin on Fords relies on a quote borrowed from the immortal Snoopy, "BLEEECH!"

Ford was the ONLY car to ever go up in a puff of smoke and leave me stranded.

FORD = Found On Roadside Dead!

Ross...that's great ;). I'd be interested to know your son's reaction to it....LOL! reminds me of a song by Alabama, 'Song Of the South'...!

Steve...there are many others like that ;). LOL....
I'd be interested to know your son's reaction to it....LOL!
Well he didn't find it as amusing as I did. The problem is that the car has now exceeded it's loan value in repairs and he still has a little less then 2 more years of payments. This little setback is costing him between $950 and $1200. :eek:
Nadi...that is the most popular one ;).

Ross...ouch. I am sorry to hear that...been in that type of situation before and I know it is not fun.....


I heard all of these little quips and at one time I would have agreed with every word (Dad was a Chevy man) Now I drive a 1992 Ford Crown Victoria. We bought it used 4 years ago. It has 118,000 miles and I bet I can drive it to 250,000. It is in excellent condition and rides and drives like a dream. We had to rent a car several times on trips and not one of them has been half the car my CV is. Believe me when its time to get a new one I'll get a CV or a Mercury Grand Marque.
Alright I'll be fair. Ford does do well with their luxury products and 1/2 ton up pick up trucks, but anything else should not even be on the road.
*scratches head*

*peers at further responses*

*scratches head again*

I could have sworn I saw a "dissenting" post by Les, who, if I saw the sig correctly, owns a '68 and a '00 Mustang.... Or, perhaps my mind is playing tricks on me.... At any rate, Les, if I did see that info correctly, do you have pics of your cars?

Pegne...those type of car stories are matter the make ;).

Heh...I'm never fair ;). LOL! Heh...meanwhile, I ironically patiently await the insurance company's verdict on my youngest girl..........
Funny thing is before I started working for General Motors I wouldn't be caught in anything but a Ford product.
Now Iv'e been driving GM cars and trucks since 1962 and I have had a lot of grief with many of them.
Don't remember all those problems with my Fords.
My last one was a '65 Mercury Comet Cyclone.
Sure loved that car and I could easily blow off those GTO's.

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