? re: MRI's

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Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
I've read the other thread (http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?39575-MRI-amp-St-Jude-Mechanical-Valves)
regarding MRI's with a mechanical valve, although I do have a my own to ask:
1) has anyone felt heat on their wires while the MRI is performed?
2) are all MRI's done with a dye?
3) my valve card says it's MRI compatible, but does not say to what levels the MRI should be done at - should I be concerned about this lack of information on my card?

I'm thinking that my MRI will consist of the chest up or it could be just the neck up. All I know is that a MRI was ordered and I got a phone call this morning regarding my valve - no date has been set while they investigate the tolerance of my carbomedics valve - even though I told them what my card said.

Have you been told lately that you guys are the best? Well, you are! (even if I don't get any replies)
Nelson, no I don't mind you asking.

Last November I experienced what I thought was TIA. (I'm thinking now it was it was some type of vertigo). In any case, I've had a x-rays, 2 echo's done, multiple blood work, which was all good, a simple CT and a CT angiogram scan, both which I just found out came back negative - no abnormalities. A MRI was ordered in early December.

It's been a busy 6 weeks.

Another questions is: if all these test came back good/normal, what will the MRI show what the others haven't? BTW I also found out the MRI is of head.
I've read the other thread (http://www.valvereplacement.org/forums/showthread.php?39575-MRI-amp-St-Jude-Mechanical-Valves)
regarding MRI's with a mechanical valve, although I do have a my own to ask:
1) has anyone felt heat on their wires while the MRI is performed?
2) are all MRI's done with a dye?
3) my valve card says it's MRI compatible, but does not say to what levels the MRI should be done at - should I be concerned about this lack of information on my card?

I'm thinking that my MRI will consist of the chest up or it could be just the neck up. All I know is that a MRI was ordered and I got a phone call this morning regarding my valve - no date has been set while they investigate the tolerance of my carbomedics valve - even though I told them what my card said.

Have you been told lately that you guys are the best? Well, you are! (even if I don't get any replies)

Hey Freddie,
I've had lots of MRI (HATE them lmao)
I've never felt heat while in the scanner, i've never had a chest MRI done WITH dye, they've always been done without,
When i have chest mri's you get this arial put over your chest, sort of "tied" or strapped to the bed so you can hardly move and i go in head first so the whole of my body is in the scanner,
Not sure about your last question sorry,
Hope all goes well!!
Love Sarah xxxx
Nelson, no I don't mind you asking.

Last November I experienced what I thought was TIA. (I'm thinking now it was it was some type of vertigo). In any case, I've had a x-rays, 2 echo's done, multiple blood work, which was all good, a simple CT and a CT angiogram scan, both which I just found out came back negative - no abnormalities. A MRI was ordered in early December.

It's been a busy 6 weeks.

Another questions is: if all these test came back good/normal, what will the MRI show what the others haven't? BTW I also found out the MRI is of head.

I've had 2 MRI's of my head after my strokes,
You get a thing a bit like fish bowl on your head that again is the arial to guide the magnets, the MRI will give alot more detail than everything else you have had therefore will hopefully give you some answers,
Good luck!!
Sarah xxxx

I also have a mechanical valve and have had a couple of MRIs without any problem.

I think your doctor can order the MRI with or without contrast. If it's with contrast, you'll get the dye. It makes you feel quite hot for a couple of minutes (and also like you need to use the bathroom) : ) but it passes quickly. If you are going to have dye, you should have a blood test first to make sure your kidneys are functioning well and can flush out the dye.

Worst thing for me was the noise. However, they gave me some headphones set to a local radio station and that helped. They also put a washcloth over my eyes in case I accidentally opened them and became claustrophobic.

Hope this helps and best of luck!


Signs and tests

Almost always, the symptoms and signs of a TIA will have gone away by the time you get to the hospital. A TIA diagnosis may be made based on your medical history alone.

The health care provider will do a complete physical exam to check for heart and blood vessel problems, as well as for problems with nerves and muscles.

Yourblood pressure may be high. The doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your heart and arteries. An abnormal sound called a bruit may be heard when listening to the carotid artery in the neck or other artery. A bruit is caused by irregular blood flow.

Tests will be done to rule out a stroke or other disorders that may cause the symptoms.

You will almost always have a head CT scan or brain MRI. A stroke will show changes on these tests, but TIAs will not.

You will have an angiogram, CT angiogram, or MR angiogram to see which blood vessel is blocked or bleeding.

You may have an echocardiogram if your doctor thinks you may have a blood clot from the heart.

Carotid duplex (ultrasound) can show if the carotid arteries in your neck have narrowed.

You may have EKG and heart rhythm monitoring tests to check for irregular heartbeat.

Your doctor may do other tests to check high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and other causes of and risk factors for TIAs or stroke.

FROM http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001743/
Thanks for that information Greg.
I had a glucose test a couple of years ago.

I've had all those tests done, except for the Carotid duplex (ultrasound) - the neurologist I saw canceled it. (I wasn't impressed with this neurologist)
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