Re-Do Valve Surgery 1 day away

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Phyllis Jean

I would like to thank everybody for their loving concern and best wishes. I think I failed to mention that in addition to having my Aortic Valve replaced, I also have a blocked artery. So, I will be having two procedures done, the Valve replacement, and Coronary Artery Bypass. Has anyone gone through the same thing? I guess I have been asking a lot of questions, but I feel like you are the best people to ask since you have been through this. I go for my pre-op exam tomorrow. Sincerely, Phyllis
Just wanted to say that you will.........

Just wanted to say that you will.........

be in our prayers. Sorry I can't help with any of your questions. I hope someone else sees this who can. In the meantime, please know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers for a successful outcome. Please update when you can. Hugs.
It will all go quicker than you remember. They keep you very busy at the hospital, reinterviewing you for the same form, over and over again. I will be thinking of you and wishing you a smooth procedure.

It is quite frequent for both procedures to be performed. That's one of the reasons they insist on a cath: to check the coronary arteries.

It's like a thank-you-for-participating gift, I guess. They figure that as long as they're there, they should do the most good that they can. And it sure makes sense, as you don't want to do it again later for one, little artery. Although the donor site will be sore for a few days, your heart will be much happier for the graft, and the additional task shouldn't affect your surgery or recovery in a negative way.

Best wishes,
Good luck to you. ANd yes, many people have multiple things done. A good friend of mine has two valves replaced and a double bypass last week, and he is doing fine.
2 valves (replaced a second time with scar tissue) and 3 bypass all done at same time. 12 hr. surgery with 6 hr. of pump time.

Life is a one way ticket. Everyone gets bumps on the road, they just come at different times, and some are bigger bumps.

Happy Clicking for nearly 33 years.

I had my aortic valve and my ascending aorta replaced at the same time. As others above have said, multiple procedures are common. I view it as being lucky that since they are already in there, you get something else fixed that otherwise would have required another procedure. It is all how you view it.
You will do great as all of us have in our surgeries. Good luck.

Mile high

It is not uncommon to have several things done at the same time. You'll be done with your pre-op tests by the time you see this message. Can't wait to hear back from you after your surgery.

I pray that everything will go smoothly.

How are you doing?

How are you doing?

Hi Phyllis, you must have had your surgery by now and I hope you're doing fine. I'll keep an eye open for a post about how everything went on Friday. Take care!
Débora from Brazil
Phyliss - I just had a valve replacement surgery done on the 5th of October along with Coronary Bypass at the last minute. I had no choice in the matter, I woke up and it was done. I am glad they did what they needed to do to insure proper blood flow. I also had a Aortic and Pulmonary valve replacement. My incision on my upper thigh hurts worse than the entire sternum incision. My chest feels tight, my leg feels tight, hot, and like a knife is stabbing it!
Go for it all, and get it over with. You have life ahead of you ready to LIVE!



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