Raverlaw, where are you?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Been 4 weeks since you last posted..Are you rowing your way to Hawaii??? :p Bonnie

I've been real busy with my new job. And, about 5 weeks ago, I sprang a leak in my left leg, somewhere around trhe back of the knee. Within a couple of days, my leg had swelled up like a sausage and started to turn purple and painful. My doctor diagnosed a ruptured vein, and prescribed incredibly sexy thigh-high support hose and keeping my leg elevated as much as possible.

Things are pretty much back to normal, now, and I've picked up my exercise routine again, although I had to back track a little bit after four weeks off.

I'm up to 804,000 meters rowed so far.

With the holidays and all, I won't make my million before Christmas, but still hope to do it by my surgery anniversary, 2/20.

I miss you all, but just haven't had time to keep up.
I'm glad Bonnie asked and you answered. I've been wondering for several weeks what was going on.

I'm glad you're still rowing; I haven't bought one but I've been considering it.

Good to hear from you. Glad your knee is better and you are off the sidelines, back in the saddle, and working toward a goal.

Any idea what caused the vein to rupture?
It's good to hear you are healing up and busy with your life. I miss seeing you on the boards. There are a few others I have been wondering about too....."Fred" fdegrandville, Carlapy, and Andrea are the ones that come right to mind. There are others too but these are the ones I've had most on my mind recently.

I don't really know what happened. I had a weekend where I ran and rowed hard both days, as well as worked at a charity evening event where I stood for about three hours straight. By Thursday, I was so swollen I couldn't hardly bend my leg. The doctor said it was a 'spontaneous' bleeding event. My INR was a perfect 3.0 at the time. I didn't feel anything, and it took several days for the swelling to get bad enough where it was painful. Dr. said I probably had about 1 pint of blood in my leg. I'd like to know more so I could prevent it from happening again.