Rain, rain . . .

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Has been more than 11 inches of rain in some areas out here in the mountains. Flash flood warnings all over the place, and now it's raining hard again, and the Weather Channel says a tropical depression is forming off the NC coast that could bring even more rain.

Am keeping my daughter's two dogs in addition to my own, so I have a house full of big dogs that have to be run out into the rain to take care of business and then wiped down before they come back onto the carpet. And the chocolate lab is the size of a horse. :D

A few days ago, everything was bone-dry. Grass was burning up, shrubs were begging to be watered, forest fire danger was high.

Now can't turn off the spigots.

Moral: Be careful what you ask for. . . .:eek:
I know what you mean. We were on vacation in Tenn. for a week and came home and we had dead grass and the pool had almost lost enough water to burn up the pump. My mom said it had not rained a drop the 8 days we were gone. Then we come home and it rained Sunday and Monday all day. There was some minor flooding north of us. Bonnie, are you all getting rain,too?
Well, here in the Northwest, we don't get many gully-washers or toad chokers. We just have a nice constant drizzle...... except this week -- it's sunny, sunny, sunny! We've broken all records for June...it was 102 yesterday. Must be all those transplanted Californians begging for sunshine..... really! Be careful what you ask for! :D :D :D

Be careful and don't slip in the mud with all those weighty dogs! You're outnumbered....they could take you for a ride!

Now it is absolutely POURING again! Yes, thank the Lord, we do live up high. Wouldn't want to be in a low-lying area right now. I pray for people in the flood-prone areas.

And at least as long as we've got power, I have vr.com. It's a comfort in so many ways.
Hi Bob

Wow.....we had that this weekend, but now it seems to have moved west. Friends of ours in PA are getting it pretty badly and it looks like we're going to get it again tomorrow....here on the east coast.

Keep treadin' water, my friend.


Hope yo' ain't see ennyone named "Noah" in yer neighbo'hood lately! :eek:

We've got mighty li'l rain hyar. It depends on which side of th' street yer on. :D

It's so dry thet ev'rytime yo' spit plants almost knock yo' on over tryin' t'git t'th' water! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p :p

May God Bless,

Bubba:) :)
Did the continent flip?

Did the continent flip?

Sure seems like the Northwest here in New England these days! Floods were never an issue before up here. Now they seem to affecting thousands.:eek: Brian
We live on the Naval Academy in Annapolis. It is wet and horrible here! I agree a few days ago everything was dry and now we are waterlogged!!!
Baseball Turns the Tide

Baseball Turns the Tide

I feel as though I experienced something of a minor miracle tonight -- by no means in the category of the miracles of the mended heart that we talk about here -- but something really special nonetheless.

My son got us tickets for tonight's Carolina League/California League All-Star Game in Salem near here. Well, we had flooding all around the area today (including Salem), and storms that were crackling well into the late afternoon. I thought no way Jose they would play baseball tonight, but we went to the stadium anyway, like the baseball nuts we are. And somehow that field had drained and the grounds crew had performed its magic and, right on cue, the sun came out just before the 7 p.m. first pitch. It turned out to be a memorable baseball evening. The field looked lush green, and the infield was neatly manicured. Best of all, the home team (the Carolina League) won the Class A All-Star game 6-3 in a very well-played contest. (Better than most Major League All-Star games for that matter)

Meanwhile, the 11 p.m. news was filled with pictures of flooding all around here today, including downtown streets in Salem. The drive home from the ballpark in the dark was a bit harrowing, with the fog rolling in and streams still lapping the sides of some streets.

It was surreal. But it made me think of what a blessing it is thanks to AVR to be able to experience something like this -- that there is something better beyond the storms of nature or our own existence.

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