Rain - come out, come out

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Just putting out an APB for Rain, wondering what she's done with her crazy wonderful self.

Are you out buying Christmas presents for all of us? Or have you ditched the cold weather and gone to Bora Bora?

Re: Rain - come out, come out

Karlynn said:
Just putting out an APB for Rain, wondering what she's done with her crazy wonderful self.

Are you out buying Christmas presents for all of us? Or have you ditched the cold weather and gone to Tora Bora?


Fixed! :D
I'm not lost!

I'm not lost!

Hey Karlyn,

You missed my ?presents??! :) Sorry to say I haven?t been at Bora Bora... but I did get to enjoy the company of my boys last week. Had a great Thanksgiving with them.... and been busy ever since. Just seems to be a busy time of year. I'll check in more often!

Ross! :mad: You trying to send me to Tora Bora??
Did you have to mention a big glass of wine? My INR today was 4.1 - so no glass of wine for me and I can just taste it!!!!!:mad:

Rain - no presents yet but glad you are now "present". Glad you enjoyed your time with your boys. Derek and Shelby were home too. Derek for the week, Shelby just for the long weekend. But Shelby will be home for semester break next Friday, so that makes up for it.

And I guess if you're going to start checking in more often, we'll have to stop talking behind your back!

falling off wagons on pink, fuzzy islands....

falling off wagons on pink, fuzzy islands....

Karlyn.... now why would you want to stop talking behind my back? If you can find something interesting enough to keep ya all entertained.. Please! Go for it, have a ball!! :D I don't mind. :p

Sure hope you fell off that wagon for your birthday! Sorry I?m a little late with my birthday wishes. :( I?m gonna have one of my own here in a couple days. Yikes!! How did we get so old so fast?!! Snuck up on me!! :eek:

Oh.. Janie... I highly recommend ?that pink, fuzzy, friendly island?! Never a dull moment and believe me... there are NO wagons there. :p