Hi Twin Sister
Hi Twin Sister
Glenda and I share the same birthday..June 10th..but, I am her big sister by 3 years.

...All of my people have always called me the Mouth of the South

..After my surgery...I noticed that friends were making fun of me because I wanted to talk about my surgery.

(Not friends..anymore)..I was trying to tell 2 friends that I thought their Hubby's should have their INR'S checked more than every 3 months...(they were taking coumadin) ..One told me, I was obsessed. Well, her hubby had a nosebleed that made him pass out, hit his head..and 911 was called.

The other one told me the same thing. Well, he died a few months ago, wintering in AZ....

I saw him before he left last Oct. and looked good...Don't know what happened. She is suppose to come back in May...They have a house down the road from me..that they spent their summers here. I sent her a card (they post on local community board)but, I will stop in when she comes back...Will be interesting to find out what happened to him......That was a few months after my surgery..I decided then..I will not talk to people who put me down.

I am still a very, caring person....but, I think all people are fighting a battle..and I have decided not to butt in...Besides, Hubby and I live our own lives and I don't want anyone asking me personal questions, either. It's so funny. I used to call my kids all the time...now, when I miss a few days..they call me.

I know, I post a LOT on VR....guess it's because people don't ask private questions. Take care..and yes, I admire you, too.
