Quick question

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
Houma, La.
Has anyone had ringing in the ears due to there heart condition? Just curious?

Are you talking about ringing in the ears -- as with an upper respiratory infection that affects the ears -- or a throbbing "in the ears"?

Pre-MVR, I had throbbing on the left half of my body and it seemed to go into the ears. But it wasn't "ringing" in my ears. It was due to the mitral valve not working and the left atrium enlarging.

But I have had ringing in my ears -- when I've had URIs that stopped up my ears and caused infections there.
I don't know if the Mitral Valve caused it or not but for a few months before I had surgery I had horrible ringing that would sometimes get sooo loud I couldn't hear...and there were times that I had rotational vertigo along with the ringing. I also had a low level buzz, that seemed to be constant.

Ear Nose and Throat told me it was inner ear...but since my surgery I have had no ringing or come to think of it the slight dizziness I had on regular basis. I have found that as the days go by that a great deal of my body functions seem to be working better than before the surgery, or maybe it's the walking or the overall "feel better"!

Danny, I know it's not easy right now....but you will get there! Just hang on!

I had a low hum or ringing in my ears that disappeared after surgery.I did not realize it was there until it went missing after surgery.:)
Thanks for all the input, sometimes i dont hear it unless im obsesssing about it. Then it drives me crazy.
Hi Danny,
I was curious about this and did a quick google search.

Here is an interesting link on the possible causes/treatment of tinnitus. http://brneurosci.org/tinnitus.html
If you scroll down to Pathological Causes it does include (among other conditions) "cardiovascular disorders such intracranial hypertension, aneurysm, aortic stenosis, or carotid artery stenosis".

I, too have the odd episode of ringing in the ears that lasts a few minutes and then disappears. I have noticed it more lately.

Something to possibly discuss with the cardiologist...

All the best,
It is interesting, Danny, you asked this question.

Before surgery I had lots of ringing in my ears and doctors told me it was due to aging:D and narrowing of veins:rolleyes:

Since my surgery, ringing has disappeared.:) I assume the blood is flowing better into all veins and no more narrowings;)
I have had it for years. Mine came from having everything from M-16 to an 8 inch artilery fired all around me.
I've got ringing in my ears too. In fact, I'm hearing it now. I'm on beta blocker, angiotensin II receptor blocker, and aspirin and am often around loud noise for long periods at work. I've noticed it more now after surgery, but most of the time I don't really notice it.
I have had it for years. Mine came from having everything from M-16 to an 8 inch artilery fired all around me.

two of my cousins were in warfare and now have VA hearing disability coverage from all that gunfire and explosions.

I have had tinitus most of my life. first was from swimming accident that burst my eardrum and the hole never closed. later in life it's all the medicines added over time. just got used to it. no cure.
I don't know if it's a terrible idea to resuscitate an 18-month-old thread, but. . . it certainly makes the OP's title ironic! :)

I've been noticing tinnitus -- high-pitched ringing in my ears -- for at least the last week. I'm ~7 weeks post-op now. I don't think I've ever had it before. I've been on LD Aspirin for a few years, but I'm also on Warfarin and Metoprolol now. Somebody in this thread mentioned that it's a possible side-effect of Metoprolol, maybe that's it. Maybe I'll live with it (unless it gets much worse) until ~March 1, when I should be getting off Warfarin and maybe also getting off Metoprolol, or dropping my dose. . .

If anybody else is experiencing tinnitus =~ ringing in the ears, and didn't comment above last time, feel free to pile on here.