Quick question

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
Just a quick question. I've had a sensation in my chest recently....like the burn you feel for a while after you've been out of breathe, but this is without the breathlesness itself. Of course, if I really do get out of breathe, it feels the same way. I have it often...I haven't logged times, but very often. I know with MVP I can be prone to anxiety...and have my moments. I'm just wondering if anyone else has this sensation? Thanks

This is what my son complains of alot. The laision nurse said she didnt think it was conected to him needing his valve replaced, he doesn't get out of breath. they said we could get him a 24 hour ecg monitor ,if we was worried but his check up is in four weeks, so ive decided to wait. If you are worried get it checked out, it will give you peace of mind. Best of luck, hope everything is ok.
Hi--Coming at it from another angle, have you thought whether it could be acid reflux? The drs, my son and I took awhile to figure out that my son's chest pain was actually GERD. He now takes the max dose of Omeprazole (Prilosec) which has it just barely controlled. I've noticed that alot of heart people also have acid reflux. Or maybe just alot of people in general have it!
Wise, GERD was a thought I had as well. Take note when it occurs.
I am a GERD sufferer as well and there are times when I wonder if that pain is not heart related. It can be what we are told is one of the classic symptoms of a heart attack.
I take Zantac if it gets really bad but usually try to stick to Tums. You might try these next time and see if it eases.
Ahhh, great minds think alike. My first reaction was GERD. I suffered with it after surgery - doc put me on Prilosec... I haven't taken it for a couple of weeks and have felt pretty good, except when I eat things I know will cause a problem.

Thanks for all the replies. I'm familiar with GERD but didn't think of it. I takes Tums for acid and usually it does the trick. Maybe I'm having more of a problem than I thought. The sensation I tried to describe isn't painful, which is why I was thinking acid reflux...but maybe I need to rethink that. Thanks again.

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