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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
Does anyone know what the difference is between Metoprolol and Atenolol?

I was originally prescribed Metoprolol post-op, but when I got it refilled, I received Atenolol. The pharmacist said they are pretty much the same thing (obviously they are both beta-blockers). I won't get into why I was switched, basically it comes down to a he-said, she-said between the Cardiologist's office and the pharmacy. I've basically accepted it with shrugged shoulders. However, over the past few days I've had some issues with skipped and irregular beats that I didn't have in the past (I already saw my Cardiologist and was told not to worry). Could it be related to the drug switch? From what I know I highly doubt it, but I figured it was worth a question.


Here's a link which is in depth about beta-blockers, and discusses both drugs as well as others. Looks like there are some little differences here and there, but they do the same type of thing.

Maybe your system is sensitive to one or the other. You should discuss the pharmacy switch with your doctor and tell him how you have been feeling.
Hi MikeHeim,

Your Question: Does anyone know what the difference is between Metoprolol and Atenolol?

I think they are both a beta blocker. I can't say for sure if there's a huge difference. What I can say is that "atenolol" I personally didn't have much of a problem as long as my pacemaker was set at 50 bpm minimum. As 12.5 mg set my heart rate very low.

I can tell you that solatolo - gave me 'epleptic seizures' - and atenolol did not. For me, I tend to think that we all react differently in even the same class of drug. I'm now trying my 4th different ace inhibitor and I'm not having an allergic reaction as the other 3 did when I took them.

So I tend to think anything is possible and you know your body best. I let my new pharmacy switch me from coumadin to warfarin and I'm not happy with that now. They didn't tell me they switched me - I saw the difference when I picked up my prescriptions. I don't think they should be allowed to switch the drugs like that. Next month if I can't get the coumadin at my new pharmacy - I'll go back to my previous pharmacist and get coumadin. My coumadin clinic - said - stay one or the other - but don't keep switching back and forth. So far I'm still on coumadin - hope to have enough to get me close enough to the end of the month to get more so I don't have to take warfarin. Not that I mind taking warfarin - I've just been on coumadin and my system is adjusted to it now and its adjusted to all the other meds I'm on - so I hate to 'rock' the boat.. I don't think any pharmacist should just switch our meds without asking us...
Good Luck
I have been on the Metoprolol for 'bout 4 months now and havent had any trouble with it other than increased tendency to enjoy an afternoon nap!

according to the MIMMS" book of drugs that our Aussie docs use...

metoprolol and atenolol are Both Cardio-selective B1 blockers...
there are a few different sorts of bb's . These 2 are the same type but made of different ingredients...apparently have very similar actions but according to the book they are not interchangeable...dunno if it has diff. indications/ rules in the USA