Questions from new member Lady Hendy

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I don't know how to post a question on your forum. I have had a ST Judes aortic valve sine 1996 and the clicking keeps me awake at night. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Also must I be on coumadin for ever? I was placed on lovenox to replace the coumadin to do an epidural steroid injection, but was then told they couldn't do the epidural when I was on lovenox. What does a valver do?

Lady Hendy
I use a 20" box fan at night. Anything that will blind out the noise should help you. There are all sorts of things out there.

As far as the Epidural, please write to Al Lodwick and ask him about that. He is a anticoagulation professional and runs his own clinic. Sometimes he swings in here, but not often anymore.

[email protected]
clicking noise from valve

clicking noise from valve

It was weird my first night home after surgery, I did not notice the clicking in the hosp. and my first night home was scary! So I just started saying prayers and thanking my higher being for all the blessings in my life and before I could finish I fell off to sleep. It has become a nightly thing, sometimes I here the clicking and most of the time here lately I do not. I have noticed that the higher my inr#s are it is not as loud,but also I am going into my 7th month of post op. I have had no complications, just the adjustment of taking coumadin and educated myself enough to feel comfortable with the medicine, thanks to amd all the members who are always concerned enough to respond with helpful info. I tell anyone who will listen about this forum and how helpful it has been to me! Thanks so much. Maggiemay

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