Hi Englander,
After establishing what day and time it was (Tuesday, 5pm - operation was Tuesday morning), one of the first things my boyfriend Jim said in ICU was "my chest aches a bit". I looked at his nurse and we both laughed - it just seemed such a ridiculous situation. She gave him extra pain-killers of course, but I do think that bit of humour helped a lot.
Anyway, as soon as he was out of ICU and on the main ward, the only complaint he really had was about the hospital beds (obviously different to the one Dee had) - he apparently got up one night to turn the mattress over - yes, he did it himself
- onto the firmer side, and blames that bed for his bad back. I think he ended up sleeping in the recliner chair next to his bed for the last 2-3 nights in hospital. He also had trouble sleeping because of the noises on the ward, other people's machine's beeping, oxygen whirring, nurses walking up and down... Once home, he slept in bed with lots of cushions to start with, then a week or two later was lying down normally.
He was given a bucketload of tramadol to take home, but ended up only taking about 8 and returning the rest to the chemist - they gave him wild hallucinations and made him feel a bit out of touch with reality, so he got by with paracetemol instead.
He didn't have a spirometer - the man in the next bed did, but apparently Jim's lungs were healthy enough not to need it. He was shown breathing and stretching exercises by the physiotherapist whilst in the hospital. From what I remember he had a shower at the hospital, but I couldn't tell you when exactly that was. He had a bath about 2 or 3 weeks after the surgery, with no problems (although I'm not sure this is recommended by the doctors).
He had the chest drains, neck IV thing, one arm IV and catheter removed the morning after surgery, and was just on an oxygen thing which was up his nose for the 2nd day (what's it called? - know he didn't like it, said it smelt funny!), not attached to any monitors at all - the nurses just came round every hour to check his blood pressure, ask if he'd been to the loo, etc. The pacing wires (which go through a tiny hole in your chest, and are there in case of any arrhythmias) came out on the Saturday. He had some kind of aversion to using a bedpan so walked to the bathroom about 24 hours after his operation. Apparently he wasn't supposed to walk so soon, but it didn't do him any harm and was better than not going!!!
See the kind of things you find out here!! Walking's the most important thing you can do, a bit further each day, and breathing and having naps when you're tired. It's no good trying to stay awake all day because it just won't happen at first.
I seem to be rambling again! Sorry, hope this has been of some help. And maybe it's worth getting your wife on here too at some point to say hello so she knows how the forum works and can post on your progress when you're in hospital.