questions about alcohol again?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2008
I'm Palestinian refuge ,I live in Saudi Arabia but
hi all ,sorry I know this question has been asked many times but i couldn't find an answer i'm on coumadin and i want to drink alcohol just wine or beer is it ok to drink a bottle of wine (1 liter )more or less in a week just one time in a week or do you think it's dangerous to the valves and with coumadin i couln't ask the doctor here it's hard to talk about alcohol were i live so please tell me about this and another thing when i go abroad i drink beer almost every day but this dosn't happen more than month a year i drink about one liter a day is this ok
thank you
I think the recommendations are for 1-2 drinks per day. Then at least it can be regulated with your dose of Coumadin.
Drinking alot in one day may cause your INR to rise so testing more often would be needed.
It was my surgeon who told me to have 1 or 2 glasses of red wine a day......and I could drink beer a couples a weeks, but don't mix the two :)
It's fine to have a couple of drinks. It's not encouraged because if your predisposed to ulcers, alcohol irritates the stomach lining and could produce an uncontrollable bleeding event. If your not an ulcer person, then sure, in moderation.
I have a bottle of white zinfandel on my kitchen counter. Don't know if I've been drinking it or the cats have been sneaking while I'm at work, but it's certainly going down!

I had a margarita last weekend while in St. Louis visiting my hospital-bound niece. And a glass of wine at a baby shower she had to be AWOL from.
The key is "moderation" my friend --- everything in moderation. I, personally, have never been much of a drinker but I will have an occasional margarita or a glass of wine now & then. And I've been on coumadin for 33 years so......

Take care!
Im back to my normal routine of dinner at this little Mexican place just about every friday night which usually includes 2 or 3 Coronas. And now that football season is upon us I also have 2 or 3 watching football on Sunday afternoon. Beyond that Im not much of a drinker but thus far its been a non-issue for me.
Im back to my normal routine of dinner at this little Mexican place just about every friday night which usually includes 2 or 3 Coronas. And now that football season is upon us I also have 2 or 3 watching football on Sunday afternoon. Beyond that Im not much of a drinker but thus far its been a non-issue for me.

And here I thought you were a Tecate or Dos Equis guy. :D
Both my surgeon and cardiologist say one or two glasses of wine are fine.

You shouldn't binge drink especially if on coumadin. If you drink very little while at home and then go abroad and drink a bottle of wine a day, they would not be good. Consistency is important with coumadin.

If you are accustomed to a glass of wine a day and occassionally have two, that would be no problem.

You should try to be consistent and enjoy your wine several times a week if not a glass a day. :)
Moderation is the key word, you will never be 'drunk' again.

However each person react's differently to both coudamin and alcohol.

I used to drink heavily before surgery and since surgery my INR has been rock solid at 2.8 or thereabouts. I home test. I'm 6ft 4ins, Male, 125kilos.

I was interested in the effect alcohol had on inr so i had a couple of glasses of wine and tested inr the day after, repeated this process until i got to a happy medium which was that i could drink a bottle of wine with no affect at all on INR or my 'drunk' status.

I am happy with this.

So i class myself as being able to drink a bottle of wine, or 4 standard bottles of beer with no affect to my INR (i have tested a lot).

I have on 1 occasion done this every night for a week whilst on a work trip with no affect on INR (tested every 2 days).

I have on a few occasions drank 50% more than outlined above with no affect on INR (tested the day after)

I have on one occasion drank a fair bit more (larger glasses not paying attention) and INR jumped to 3.5 the day after so adjusted coudamin and didn't drink for 3 days.

I don't drink spirits.

I only drink white wine and lite beer normally, probably 4 glasses of wine or 3-4 bottles of lite beer normally twice a week. On the odd occasion i will creep over this by 1 or two items.

Use this information as you see fit, it's not an endorsement to go out and drink what you want, nor does it validate any 'sub-question' you may have been asking that i haven't picked up's purely an example to show you how a 38yr old responsible father of two has approached this subject area and how it's worked for me. I could get a stomach ulcer in 2 years time and be told how stupid i was but thems the breaks, risk benefit analysis exercise is what you need to undertake.

Hope the above gives you another viewpoint to consider.
So i class myself as being able to drink a bottle of wine, or 4 standard bottles of beer with no affect to my INR (i have tested a lot).

Thanks for the interesting post. While everyone is different, you do seem to have proven that moderate (some would say moderate PLUS) consumption of alcohol, at least in the form of wine and beer, is compatible with ACT.

alcohol consumption

alcohol consumption

i drink half a bottle of wine or 3 5% alcohol bottles of beer per day. sometimes i drink spirits instead. both the surgeon and cardiologist said that much alcohol was not a problem. the cardiologist also said it is important to be happy.

so i have been drinking a relatively moderate amount of alcohol regularly for 6 months and have never had a problem; my inr always tests in range with my cogauchek.

so it seems that regular and relatively moderate consumption of alcohol is not problem for those of us with artificial valves; perhaps the alcohol bogey should be consigned to the rubbish bin along with all the other warfarin myths like no razor blade sharpening, no sport, no using knives etc etc
(ok, it is diferent if you have got a stomach ulcer )
Rememeber this we're all made different some of us could drink a bottle of wine or beer and inr will be fine some of us can't. I know i older fellow has a mech valve likes to drink his beers and gets drunk and doens't really have any problems YET!, but i've heard other people start peeing out blood after a wine bottle or two or there inr jumps or nothin happens!. Its been 6 months since my replacement with a mech valve and i to asked the same question.. And there will be no straight answer to ur question you'll have to test the waters and know ur limits. Its a learning process..
If I am understanding your original post, if you were asking if it is OK to drink a liter of wine in one session then that probably isn't alright, apart from the effect it could have on your body and INR it could cause you to fall or knock yourself if you are intoxicated, you would be more prone to having an accident.
what bothers me after surj. they told me now you can live like a normal person but thin i figured it out it's not normal life .
again thank you.

It's as normal as you make it out to be. Some of the things they tell you are outright ridiculous. You didn't have surgery to sit in a rocking chair. Live life the way you want to live it.
Thanks for the interesting post. While everyone is different, you do seem to have proven that moderate (some would say moderate PLUS) consumption of alcohol, at least in the form of wine and beer, is compatible with ACT.


That's the key, everyone is different.

Find your happy place.

I find the subject of Alcohol use to be be quite the touchy subject but have always been honest about my use of said liquid.....:p

Just remember, you can never drink to excess again without serious concequences and i'm in no way saying you can.