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Active member
Jan 17, 2008
Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Since my AVR surgery in December, I have had three incidents of double vision, each lasting less than 10 seconds.
Anyone had these as well? Side effect of heart medication?
Let me hear from you.
Several of us here have experienced episodes at least somewhat like you're describing. I've had, I think two, since my surgery but I had many more in the years before the surgery. One happened to me just earlier this week and I concentrated on breathing deeply and I think it helped cut the duration and intensity of it so perhaps it is related to oxygen levels. It happened sometime after I moved around some heavy furniture in my home. I can feel a sensation behind/between my eyes immediately before it begins. This time I also tried to keep my eyes focused clearly on something several feet away and I think that helped also. I find them unnerving actually. There are several threads here where these phenomeons have been discussed, some information in threads about occular migraines also, if you want to search for more experiences. Take care.
double vision

double vision

Thanks, I will research here. I can feel mine coming on as well...strange sensation in the head. I had one while driving when I felt it coming on, I slowed down and pulled over to the side. Went to the doc yesterday and they are doing a ct scan today. Now I feel better, though, knowing that others have gone through the same thing.
Thank you so much. You have given me so much relief...I was very worried.
Take care
As Susan said, several of us have had "visual effects", including double vision, kaleidoscopic distortions (usually in the peripheral field), floaters, and 'clouds', especially shortly after surgery. The most common explanation is Optical Migraines.

Whenever I get one, I chew a either a half or full aspirin (160 or 325 mg) "just in case" there was a tiny clot.

Any visual effect that does not go away after an hour should be examined ASAP.

'AL Capshaw'
My optical migraines have been exasperated by valve repacement surgery.

The following is a reprint of my post of Oct 30, 2005;

I have suffered from ocular migraines since age 19. I am 72 now.

Prior to valve replacement I would get maybe 3 or 4 a year. Now I get them maybe weekly, but sometimes I can go for a couple of weeks without one or I can get them on successive days. The aura begins to clear at about 20 minutes, then disappears at 1/2 hour.

I have never had any pain, just the aura bothering my vision.

My ophthalmologist says he does not treat this. He says it is a neurological problem

Currently I can roughly correlate my optical migraines after a strenuous workout on the treadmill or in the swimming pool.
I have had those two, but I noticed mine after a brain surgery I had a few years after my AVR. One thing I do notice is if I take my head and tilt it down until the chin touches my chest, and then take my eyes and try to look up, I can see normally. I'm not sure why that is the case. My doctor did a CT scan and a few other tests and never found anything wrong with me, so I have no idea why this happens from time to time.
Before OHS I would get double vision frequently, especially after over exertion.
Post op I've had a few episodes which have decreased and are hardly happening at all right now.
I have been having these weird double-vision episodes for over a year now that I think about it...I have only "googled" to look for answers/reasons as I am reluctant to go down the diagnostic testing path again...I get these episodes randomly, sometimes several in a day, sometimes none for a week or more. I will be interested to hear if you get any answers as to the cause. Mine usually last for 3-5 minutes and I get a little dizzy 'cos I cant look at things until it passes.
I've also experienced these before without a clue that they are going to happen. One time I got one when I was on my way to work & had to pull over until it passed! Scary! :eek:

I haven't had one in quite a while though but when it does happen, I just chalk it up to another weird thing happening that no one can really figure out!
Thank you all for responding. I had a CT scan yesterday, but haven't heard anything yet. I feel so much better now, hearing from you. I also have a constant dull ache around my right eye, so maybe my ocular migraine is ongoing. Will let you know what I hear.
Again, thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one having these.
I had this experience also when driving and let it go for two days. It turned out to be a transient ischemic attack (mini stroke). I'd get that CT scan done as soon as possible to rule out the TIA.
I also have a constant dull ache around my right eye,

Just a thought about that ache you a little google check on you see halos around light-globes?...are you nauseous?
just make sure its ruled out as it can be very bad.
no halos...went to opthamologist and he said no sign of any eye disease. It is a constant dull ache in the boney area below and above the eye. not tender to touch.
Hopefully it will be OK.
Thanks for responding.
I have been having these weird double-vision episodes for over a year now that I think about it...I have only "googled" to look for answers/reasons as I am reluctant to go down the diagnostic testing path again...I get these episodes randomly, sometimes several in a day, sometimes none for a week or more. I will be interested to hear if you get any answers as to the cause. Mine usually last for 3-5 minutes and I get a little dizzy 'cos I cant look at things until it passes.

I have these episodes too , though my vision gets smoky or or I have flashes of light. It usually occurs with a flushed face, sweating,and shortness of breath.I just went to my cardio. and everything seems ok.What I get seems different and probably a different cause, but it is worrisome.
Best Wishes, D.
I have these episodes too , though my vision gets smoky or or I have flashes of light. It usually occurs with a flushed face, sweating,and shortness of breath.I just went to my cardio. and everything seems ok.What I get seems different and probably a different cause, but it is worrisome.
Best Wishes, D.


It would be wise to report those "flashes of light" to your opthalmologist. He may want you to come in so that he can check the insides of your eye for 'changes'.
Thanks - I will . Im due for new conact lenses anyway.
I just really thought I would be better by now : some
days Im good and then I'll go thru a few days of feeling
almost as bad as I did before my surgery.
I know we all are different and I have some moderate right
vent. damage but Im not giving up hope for some improvement.
Be Well,D report those flashes of light...My mum had something she described as flashes of light too and they said something was tearing, cant remember what though...kinda worriesome at the time, its all better now. I dont know your age but my mum is 72, and its something that affects the older generation.